mpanel/addfield_.php0100644000175000017500000000446507546600232013450 0ustar mattmatt mpanel/addfield.php0100644000175000017500000001433307546600232013304 0ustar mattmatt MPanel: <?php echo _ADDNEWFIELD_; ?>

1) { ?> \n"; } ?>
NOT NULL (All types)
PRIMARY KEY (All types)
UNSIGNED (Numeric types)
ZERO FILL (Numeric types)
DEFAULT (All, except BLOB, TEXT) > >
mpanel/addkey_.php0100644000175000017500000000342707546600232013152 0ustar mattmatt mpanel/addkey.php0100644000175000017500000000675007570756637013037 0ustar mattmatt MPanel: <?php echo _ADDKEY_; ?>


> > >
E.g. id(10), name(5), postcode(3), telephone(6)
mpanel/addrecord_.php0100644000175000017500000000440107546601206013633 0ustar mattmatt mpanel/addrecord.php0100644000175000017500000001473207567527372013522 0ustar mattmatt MPanel: <?php echo _ADDRECORD_; ?>

: ''

: ''

> > > "; // construct the various '; } $type .= ""; // check to see whether or not there is a "default" set if(($d = strpos($fields[$tmp]["type"], "default")) != FALSE) { $d += 8; $de = strpos($fields[$tmp]["type"], "'", $d+1)+1; $str = substr($fields[$tmp]["type"], $d, $de-$d); $type = str_replace("value=".tag($str), "value=".tag($str)." SELECTED", $type); } // remove the enum(...) from the type, well, swap it for enum(...) $fields[$tmp]["type"] = str_replace("enum(".substr($fields[$tmp]["type"], $s, $e-$s).")", "enum(...)", $fields[$tmp]["type"]); } else if(eregi("^text", $fields[$tmp]["type"])) { $type = ""; } else { // this is the default type for each field $type = ""; } echo "\n"; } /* close the mysql database connection */ @mysql_close(); ?>
", $fields[$tmp]["name"], " (", $fields[$tmp]["type"], ")", $type, "
> >
mpanel/Changelog0100644000175000017500000001703007615444610012651 0ustar mattmatt28/01/2003 - Matt Wilson * Addeed another set of options, revokation and better GRANT support 27/01/2003 - Matt Wilson * Added the option to delete users 15/01/2003 - Matt Wilson * Many changes, but here's 1.0.0 01/12/2002 - Matt Wilson * Import data fix 28/11/2002 - Matt Wilson * Added a Polish translation from gwarant 22/11/2002 - Matt Wilson * Dump data code f**cked, fixed now :) * Misc. changes and fixes * More data import fixes 07/11/2002 - Matt Wilson * Fixed a table browsing (and hence querying) problem where one row less than full was shown 01/11/2002 - Matt Wilson * Fixed a bug in the dump SQL system * Added a Portuguese language translation 30/09/2002 - Matt Wilson * Several more changes to repair bug fixes related to "register_globals=no" 30/08/2002 - Matt Wilson * Re-wrote several areas of the script which went wrong when changing for "register_globals=no" 08/08/2002 - Matt Wilson * CSV file importing is in place! 07/08/2002 - Matt Wilson * added a javascript function "my_back()" because IE (and possibly some other browsers?) don't recognise "back()" as a javascript function (they appear to use history(-1) instead) * RC2 time! it's 23:05 on Wednesday, 7th August, 2002 06/08/2002 - Matt Wilson * several changes, most noticably my own is_null function for interpreteurs without it 03/08/2002 - Matt Wilson * added database management page for adding, deleting and granting on databases etc * finddb.php renamed to dbmanager.php and changed into a database manager (suprisingly!), also no longer auto-forwards user to database main page if only one database is available to them. 01/08/2002 - Matt Wilson * development is reaching a v1.0.0 Release Candidate stage, considering releasing v1.0.0 RC1 30/07/2002 - Matt Wilson * new logo! thanks to Germán Alonso for this - new colours for the script needed! * finddb.php only shows databases that the user has access to, if user only has access to one database then they are automatically redirected to the main page with that database selected * drop down menu on main screen does the same as finddb.php * quick README with Installation and Configuration guidelines. 29/07/2002 - Matt Wilson * ability to change current database or table quickly via drop down menu * option to bypass login screen and always login as same user (useful for htacces w/secure connections) 25/07/2002 - Matt Wilson * added ability to export single tables in CSV format * "browse" option for tables * fixed a few language problems 24/07/2002 - Matt Wilson * received spanish (castellano) translation from Germán Alonso, although several updates have occured so new version needed :) 21/07/2002 - Matt Wilson * it APPEARS that the SQL import and export functions are working perfectly! I spent a good length of time re-writing them and testing them and it all appears to work! 17/07/2002 - Matt Wilson * the script's HTML is now fully 4.01 standard * several other fixes and general clean ups * bug fix relating to choosing a database in finddb.php * written in support for multi-languages, awaiting spanish translation prior to release from Germán Alonso 10/06/2002 - Matt Wilson * a couple of javascript related fixes 15/04/2002 - Matt Wilson * a few small bug fixes 10/03/2002 - Matt Wilson * re-wrote the SQL importing code (again) to try and make it useful again... * updated the HTML, fixing lot's of HTML nasties and using stylesheets more (HTML4) * updated the SQL dumping code to tell the browser to save the file rather than display it 23/07/2001 - Matt Wilson * Fixed some problems with this script and Netscape 4.x (missing
:P) 04/07/2001 - Matt Wilson * Made some changes to the $referer stuff as some servers were not providing necessary variables within PHP (anyone want to comment?) * Some more changes to the import code (thanks for the thoughts Kasper) 27/06/2001 - Matt Wilson * wrote some code to manage importing of SQL files (ala mysql -u ... < [filename]) because the old method didn't work when safe mode was turned on * fixed a little problem with uploading of files for importing 08/06/2001 - Matt Wilson * fixed a typo w/adding new fields (which nobody reported!) 29/05/2001 - Matt Wilson * add some other stuff, fixed a few problems etc and added a key management system 23/05/2001 - Matt Wilson * fixed record modifying/deleting when no primary key is present within a table, of course, this can product unpredicatable results, but it works. * altered the data dumper to manage keys properly, well, hopefully ;). 21/05/2001 - Matt Wilson * added native "mysqldump" support so it no longer needs to be executed on the server (causing a few problems) * added a different method for executing manual SQL queries, so no need to call the mysql client on the server (same problems as above) 17/05/2001 - Matt Wilson * added ability to rename fields * made default value part of type field 16/05/2001 - Matt Wilson * code clean up and commenting * _loads_ of changes, updates, fixes etc not been keeping up with the listing 14/05/2001 - Matt Wilson * added more functionality to "Add field" section 13/05/2001 - Matt Wilson * trying to fix up the script to a "stable" point, working on all aspects of the scripts. 10/05/2001 - Matt Wilson * i've been really busy recently and haven't had time to do what I would have liked to, but heres another bug fix and i'm working on getting the script fully functional. 05/03/2001 - Matt Wilson * translations are going to be done by the following people (so far); French - Jane Whittaker Portuguese - Alvaro Carneiro German - Rene Bogislawski 04/03/2001 - Matt Wilson * implementing multi-language support for (at least) portuguese, french, spanish and german. * hopefully going to re-design the scripts with some new layouts and stuff as the current javascript/popup layout is something i'm not too fond of, I may go for a frames based layout, which I don't like either, but it would be hopefully more functional. Also all images are going to have to be scrapped due to the multi-language support being implemented, all images are going to have to be plain old links. 09/10/2000 - Matt Wilson * added query of table data * added the option to connect to foreign hosts * added the option to search the databases on the server for the one you want 05/10/2000 - Matt Wilson * first public release mpanel/config.php0100644000175000017500000000360207571411001013002 0ustar mattmatt mpanel/COPYING0100644000175000017500000004406307522012126012066 0ustar mattmatt NOTE! This copyright does *not* cover user programs that use kernel services by normal system calls - this is merely considered normal use of the kernel, and does *not* fall under the heading of "derived work". Also note that the GPL below is copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, but the instance of code that it refers to (the Linux kernel) is copyrighted by me and others who actually wrote it. Linus Torvalds ---------------------------------------- GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991 Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. Preamble The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This General Public License applies to most of the Free Software Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to your programs, too. When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and (2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the software. Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original authors' reputations. Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification follow. GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License along with the Program. You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third parties under the terms of this License. c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when run, you must cause it, when started running for such interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on the Program is not required to print an announcement.) These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or collective works based on the Program. In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under the scope of this License. 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you received the program in object code or executable form with such an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a special exception, the source code distributed need not include anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies the executable. If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the source code from the same place counts as distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not compelled to copy the source along with the object code. 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying the Program or works based on it. 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to this License. 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the integrity of the free software distribution system, which is implemented by public license practices. Many people have made generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed through that system in reliance on consistent application of that system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot impose that choice. This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to be a consequence of the rest of this License. 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the original copyright holder who places the Program under this License may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if written in the body of this License. 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that version or of any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation. 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. NO WARRANTY 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. Copyright (C) 19yy This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode: Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. , 1 April 1989 Ty Coon, President of Vice This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General Public License instead of this License. mpanel/createdb.php0100644000175000017500000000307207615250540013317 0ustar mattmatt mpanel/createtable_.php0100644000175000017500000000326707546600232014166 0ustar mattmatt mpanel/createtable.php0100644000175000017500000000601207567527414014033 0ustar mattmatt MPanel: <?php echo _CREATETABLE_; ?>

: ''

  > >
> >
mpanel/dbmanager.php0100644000175000017500000003013507615467573013506 0ustar mattmatt MPanel: <?php echo _DBMANAGER_; ?>

\n\n"; } else { foreach($db as $table) { echo "\n"; } } } } if(sizeof($disalloweddbs)) { ?> \n"; } } ?>
    ", $db, "
       - ", $table, "
    ", $db, "

* - Only available in MySQL version 4.0.2 and above
mpanel/db_routines.php0100644000175000017500000001204007546600232014056 0ustar mattmatt') would return "123"<>" function tag($string, $encase = 1) { /* if encase was not set either way make it 1 */ if(!isset($encase)) { $encase = 1; } /* if we're to encase the output then do, otherwise don't */ $string = str_replace('"', '"', str_replace("<", "<", str_replace(">", ">", str_replace('&', '&', $string)))); if($encase) { return "\"".$string."\""; } else { return $string; } } // sql() // similar to the above, just does some simple swaps function sql($string, $encase = 1) { /* if encase was not set either way make it 1 */ if(!isset($encase)) { $encase = 1; } /* step through the string and make sure all the " are escaped, ditto for \ */ $retstr = ""; for($l=0; $l mpanel/deletedatabase.php0100644000175000017500000000273707546600232014504 0ustar mattmatt mpanel/deletedb.php0100644000175000017500000000271007546600232013314 0ustar mattmatt mpanel/deletefield.php0100644000175000017500000000324507546600232014016 0ustar mattmatt mpanel/deletekey.php0100644000175000017500000000325307546600232013522 0ustar mattmatt mpanel/deleterecord.php0100644000175000017500000000304307546600232014205 0ustar mattmatt mpanel/deletetable.php0100644000175000017500000000300007546600232014007 0ustar mattmatt mpanel/deluser.php0100644000175000000350000000324407615311116013336 0ustar mattaudio mpanel/dumpdata_.php0100644000175000017500000001427407567527011013520 0ustar mattmatt mpanel/dumpdata.php0100644000175000017500000000636407567527255013374 0ustar mattmatt MPanel: <?php echo _CHOOSEEXPORT_; ?>

", ""; } ?> > >
", _EXPORTFMT_, " -
mpanel/editfield_.php0100644000175000017500000000427607546600232013645 0ustar mattmatt mpanel/editfield.php0100644000175000017500000002032107546600232013473 0ustar mattmatt MPanel: <?php echo _EDITFIELD_; ?>

> > >

mpanel/error.php0100644000175000017500000000477007546600232012705 0ustar mattmatt MPanel: <?php echo _ERROR_; ?>
: ""
mpanel/function.js0100644000175000017500000000027207524313710013215 0ustar mattmatt// needed function my_back() { // for some reason, IE doesn't recognise back() as a function... if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") != -1) { history(-1); } else { back(); } } mpanel/grantdb.php0100644000175000017500000000460007615311106013161 0ustar mattmatt mpanel/help.php0100644000175000017500000001041107546600232012471 0ustar mattmatt MPanel: <?php echo _HELPPAGE_; ?>














mpanel/importdata.php0100644000175000017500000000705607614010016013707 0ustar mattmatt MPanel: <?php echo _IMPORTDATA_; ?> >

: ''

mpanel/import.php0100644000175000017500000001163007614010066013053 0ustar mattmatt\"".$sql."\"")); exit; } } } /* did a problem occur? */ Header("Location: main.php?database=".urlencode($vars["database"])."&msg=".urlencode(_IMPORTSUCCESS_." : ".sizeof($gen))); ?> mpanel/index.php0100644000175000017500000000450507546600232012657 0ustar mattmatt MPanel: <?php echo _LOGIN_; ?>
mpanel/lang/0040755000175000017500000000000007615470000011752 5ustar mattmattmpanel/lang/polish.php0100600000175000017500000004437707571407534014002 0ustar i postaram sie jak najszybciej odpowiedziec."); define(_BACKTOLOGINPAGE_, "Powrót do strony logowania"); define(_BACKTOMAINPAGE_, "Powrót do strony głownej"); define(_BACK_, "Powrót"); define(_CREATETABLEERROR_, "Wystąpil błąd podczas tworzenia bazy"); define(_CREATETABLEGOOD_, "Tabela utworzona pomyślnie"); define(_ADDNEWFIELD_, "Dodaj nowe pole"); define(_ADDFIELDINFO_, "W przypadku utworzenia nowego pola w bazie prosze wpisac nazwe ponizej a wybrac atrybuty można uczynic ponizej"); define(_FIELDNAME_, "Nazwa pola"); define(_FIELDTYPE_, "Typ pola"); define(_VALUE_, "Wartosc"); define(_FUNC_, "fukcja"); define(_TINYINT_, "Tiny integer"); define(_SMALLINT_, "maly integer"); define(_MEDIUMINT_, "sredni integer"); define(_INT_, "Integer"); define(_BIGINT_, "Dusy integer"); define(_FLOAT_, "Float"); define(_DOUBLE_, "Double"); define(_DECIMAL_, "Decimal"); define(_CHAR_, "Char"); define(_VARCHAR_, "Varchar"); define(_TINYTEXT_, "Tiny text"); define(_TINYBLOB_, "Tiny blob"); define(_ENUM_, "Enum"); define(_TEXT_, "Tekst"); define(_BLOB_, "Blob"); define(_MEDIUMTEXT_, "sredni tekst"); define(_MEDIUMBLOB_, "sredni blob"); define(_LONGTEXT_, "dlugi tekst"); define(_LONGBLOB_, "dlugi blob"); define(_DATETIME_, "Data & Czas"); define(_DATE_, "Data"); define(_TIME_, "Czas"); define(_YEAR_, "Rok"); define(_TIMESTAMP_, "znacznik czasu"); define(_MODIFIERS_, "Modyfikacja"); define(_OK_, "OK"); define(_CREATEKEYERROR_, "Wystapił bład podczas tworzenia nowego klucza"); define(_CREATEKEYGOOD_, "Klucz został utworzony"); define(_ADDKEY_, "Dodaj nowy klucz"); define(_ADDKEYTOTABLE_, "Dodaj nowy klucz do tabeli"); define(_ADDKEYINFO_, "Aby utworzyc nowy klucz musisz wypelnic nastepujace pola: nazwa klucza wartosc klucza i te wartosci musza sie pokrywac."); define(_ADDKEYWARNING_, "UWAGA:Pamietaj klucz nie moze przekraczac dlugosci 255 znakow!"); define(_KEYNAME_, "Nazwa klucza"); define(_KEYTYPE_, "Typ klucza"); define(_PRIMARYKEY_, "Klucz podstawowy"); define(_UNIQUEKEY_, "Niepowtarzalny klucz"); define(_NORMALKEY_, "Klucz"); define(_KEYFIELDS_, "Pola do pokrycia"); define(_FIELDS_, "Pola"); define(_ADDRECORDERROR_, "Nie mozna dodac wpisu"); define(_ADDRECORDGOOD_, "Dodano wpis do tabeli"); define(_LISTFIELDSERROR_, "nie mozna wyciągnac listy pól"); define(_ADDRECORD_, "Dodaj wpis"); define(_EXPORTTABLE_, "Eksportuj tabele"); define(_EXECUTESQL_, "Wykonaj polecenie SQL"); define(_CREATETABLE_, "Stworz nowa tabele"); define(_CREATETABLEINFO_, "Aby stworzyc tabele po prostu wpisz jej nazwe ponizej. Tabela zostanie utworzona z pustym polem o nazwie \"delete_me\", Z tego wzgledu iż wszystkie tabele potrzebują conajmniej jedna kolumne aby mogly istniec."); define(_NEWTABLENAME_, "Nowa nazwa tabeli"); define(_DELETEDBERROR_, "Nie mozna skasować bazy"); define(_DROPFIELDERROR_, "Nie mozna usunąc pola"); define(_DROPFIELDGOOD_, "Pole usuniete"); define(_DROPKEYERROR_, "Nie mozna usunąc pola"); define(_DROPKEYGOOD_, "Klucz usuniety z powodzeniem"); define(_DELETERECORDERROR_, "blad nie mozna usunąc wpisu"); define(_DELETERECORDGOOD_, "Wpis usuniety"); define(_DROPTABLEERROR_, "nie mozna usunac tabeli"); define(_DROPTABLEGOOD_, "Tabela usunieta"); define(_CHOOSEEXPORT_, "wybierz co chcesz eksportowac"); define(_EXPORTINGDATA_, "Eksportowane materialy"); define(_CONSTRUCTION_, "Konstrukcja"); define(_TABLEDATA_, "eksportowane dane"); define(_TABLEKEYS_, "Klucze tabeli"); define(_EDITFIELDERROR_, "Nie mozna edytowac typu pola"); define(_EDITFIELDGOOD_, "Typ pola wyedytowany"); define(_EDITFIELD_, "edytuj typ pola"); define(_NEWFIELDTYPE_, "Nowy typ pola"); define(_ERROR_, "wystapil błąd"); define(_ERRORINFO_, "przykro mi ale wystapil blad podczas wykonywania tej operacji, jezeli wydaje ci sie ze blad wystabil z mojej winy prosze poinformuj mnie o tym tutaj opisujac co sie stalo. W innym przypadku po protu sie cofnij"); define(_ERRORMSG_, "Blad"); define(_ERRORDBCONNECT_, "Nie mozna sie polaczyc z serwerem prosze sprawdz login i hasło."); define(_ERRORDBLIST_, "Nie mozna pobrac listy baz danych umieszczonych na serwerze, prosze skontaktuj sie adminem serwera po informacje."); define(_HELPPAGE_, "Strona pomocy"); define(_HELPINTRO_, "\"Panel kontrolny Matta Willsona\" (MPanel) zostal napisany przez Matta Wilsona aby umozliwic uzytkownikom obslugę bazy mysqla poprzez przegladarke www zamiast polaczenia via telnet, lecz także dla ludzi ktorzy pragneliby obslugiwac baze danych lecz nie znaja odpowiednich komend."); define(_HELPCREATEDELETETABLE_, "Tworzenie/usuwanie tabel"); define(_HELPDELETEDB_, "Kasowanie bazy"); define(_INTRO_, "Wstęp"); define(_HELPADDDELETEFIELDS_, "Dodawanie i usuwanie pol z bazy"); define(_HELPALTERFIELDS_, "zmiana wlasciwosci pol/tabel w bazie"); define(_HELPINSERTRECORDS_, "Wpisywanie danych do tabel"); define(_HELPDELETERECORDS_, "kasowanie wpisów z tabeli"); define(_HELPMODIFYRECORDS_, "Modyfikacje istniejacych juz tabel"); define(_HELPEXECUTESQL_, "Wykonwyanie poleceń Mysqla"); define(_ETC_, "etc"); define(_HELPTOC_, "Zawartość"); define(_HELPLOGIN_, "Logowanie do systemu"); define(_HELPCREATETABLE_, "Tworzenie tabeli"); define(_HELPADDFIELD_, "Dodanie pola do tabeli"); define(_HELPEDITFIELD_, "Edycja typu pola"); define(_HELPINSERTRECORD_, "dodanie wpisu do tabeli"); define(_HELPQUERYTABLE_, "Zapytanie tabeli o inforamcje"); define(_HELPDELETEMODIFYRECORD_, "Dodawanie/usuwanie wpisu w tabeli"); define(_HELPDELETEFIELD_, "Usuwanie pola w tabeli"); define(_HELPDELETETABLE_, "Usuniecie tabeli w bazie"); define(_HELPDELETEDB_, "Usuniecie bazy"); define(_HELPEXECUTINGSQL_, "wykonanie polecenia Mysql"); define(_HELPEXPORTING_, "exportowanie tabeli z bazy"); define(_HELPIMPORTING_, "Importowanie twojej wlasnej bazy"); define(_HELPLOGININFO_, "OK. To jest pierwsza najwazniesza cześć z która się musisz zapoznać inaczej twoje dążenia skończą się fiaskiem! Twój login to login za pomocą którego łączysz się z MySQL i hasło tak samo. W ten sam sposób wybierasz bazę na której chcesz pracować w wypadku braku wyboru pojawi się lista z której możesz wybrać bazę. Ostatnia cześć to host na której znajduje się twoja baza. Ważne jest także ze niektóre serwery nie pozwalają na połączenia typu remote"); define(_HELPCREATETABLEINFO_, "Tworzenie baz danych tym skryptem jest bardzo latwe. Raz zalogowany klikni na stworzenie bazy. Wszystko masz wyjasnione kazda operacja jest poprzedzona wytlumaczeniem co sprawia iż twen skrypt jest bardzo latwy w obsludze aby dowiedziec się ajk kasowac pola kliknijtutaj."); define(_HELPADDFIELDINFO_, "Jezeli chcesz dodac ole do bazy musisz wybrac pozadana tabele poprzeze zalogowanie się do niej i aby dodac pole musisz kliknac przycisk dodaj tabele. To spowoduje wyskoczenie okana popup z zapytaniem o nazwe tabeli i typ etc. Aby przeczytrac wiecej na ten temat zapraszam na strone MySQL manual lub na tą strone"); define(_HELPEDITFIELDINFO_, "Edycja informacji w danych pola wymaga juz podstawowej znajomosci MySQLa I dlatego tez zapraszam na strone aby sie zapoznac z instrukcją"); define(_HELPINSERTRECORDINFO_, "To insert a record into one of your tables you must first select it on the main screen, this will take you to a page containing a list of all the fields in the table and some information on each of their types. By then clicking on the \"Add Record\" button you will be taken to another page containing an input dialog for each field where you can enter information in which will be placed into the record you wish to inser into the table. Once you have finished click \"Add Record\" at the bottom of the screen to insert the record into the database.o insert a record into one of your tables you must first select it on the main screen, this will take you to a page containing a list of all the fields in the table and some information on each of their types. By then clicking on the \"Add Record\" button you will be taken to another page containing an input dialog for each field where you can enter information in which will be placed into the record you wish to inser into the table. Once you have finished click \"Add Record\" at the bottom of the screen to insert the record into the database."); define(_HELPQUERYTABLEINFO_, "one for each field in your table. This is where you put in the data that you want to search for, the script will then search the current database and table for the records matching the data your provided and will display the results in tables."); define(_HELPDELETEMODIFYRECORDINFO_, "Tuaj zaczynaja sie klopoty gdyz majac dwa wpisy jednakowe w tabeli, gdy usuwasz jeden automatycznie usuwasz drugi. Mozesz jednak tego uniknac stosujac klucze dopasowane do kazdego wpisu i tabeli wiec pamietj przeczytaj na ten temat najpierw faq ze strony a pozniej sie tym baw"); define(_HELPDELETEFIELDINFO_, "Usuwanie pol w tabeli wyglada tak samo jak usuwanie samych tabel ale pamietaj skrytp zapyta cie dla twojego bezpieczenstwa 3 razy czy jestes pewien ze chcesz usunac tabele ze by nie wyniknely pozniej z tego powodu klopoty."); define(_HELPDELETETABLEINFO_, "Aby usunac tabele z bazy danych musisz tylk okliknac usun obok tabeli lecz pamietaj ze po usunieciu tabeli nie bedziesz mial mozliwosci odzyskania tych inforamcji wiec lepiej sie zastanow 3 razy zanim cos usuniesz."); define(_HELPDELETEDBINFO_, "Aby usunąc baze musisz tylko kliknac na guzik usun tabele i program wykona wszystko za ciebie!"); define(_HELPEXECUTINGSQLINFO_, "Aby wykonac jakakolwiek komende Msqyl oczywiscie musisz wiedziec czym te komendy są gdyż ten program wykonuj wszystkie komendy po cichu i mozesz nawet nie wiedziec kiedy cos sie zespuje w twojej bazie."); define(_HELPEXPORTINGINFO_, "Exportowanie zawartosci jest tak samo proste jak importowanie gdyz musisz tylko kliknac guzik exportuj i wybierasz dane ktore maja zostac wyeksportowane."); define(_HELPIMPORTINGINFO_, "Import bazy danych jest tym skryptewm bardzo prosty gdyz tylko musisz kliknac guzik import i zaimportowac wybrany przez ciebie plik. potem musisz odswiezyc okno i zawartosc sie ukaze na pulpicie."); define(_IMPORTDATA_, "Importuj dane"); define(_IMPORTDATAINSTRUCT_, "aby zaimportowac jakiekolwiek dane do abzy musisz kliknac na przycisk \"Browse...\" i wybierz plik do zaimportowania."); define(_IMPORTFILE_, "Importuj plik"); define(_IMPORTDBDATA_, "Importuj dane z bazy"); define(_WELCOMETITLE_, "Witaj"); define(_EXPORTDB_, "Eksportuj baze"); define(_DELETEDB_, "Usun baze"); define(_DELETETABLE_, "Usun tabele"); define(_OPTIMIZETABLE_, "Optymalizuj tabele"); define(_DELETEFIELD_, "Usuń pole"); define(_DELETEDBCONFIRM_, "Jestes pewien ze chcesz usunac ta bazę?"); define(_DELETEFIELDCONFIRM_, "Jestes pewein ze chcesz usunąć pole?"); define(_DELETETABLECONFIRM_, "Jestes pewein ze chcesz usunąć tabele?"); define(_LOGOUTCONFIRM_, "Chcesz sie wylogowac?"); define(_LOGOUT_, "Wyloguj"); define(_TABLENAME_, "Nazwa tabeli"); define(_COMMANDS_, "Komendy"); define(_KEYMANAGEMENT_, "Obsluga kluczy"); define(_DELETEKEYCONFIRM_, "Jestes pewien ze chcesz usunać klucz?"); define(_DELETEKEY_, "Usun klucz"); define(_MODIFYARECORD_, "Modyfikuj wpis"); define(_LOGINERROR_, "nie mozesz sie zalogowac"); define(_LOGINERRORINFO_, "Przykro nam ale nie mozesz sie zalogowac, moze byc wiele powodow dla ktorych baza cie nie chce wposcic po prostu sprobuj jeszcze raz a jak bład sie bedzie powtarzal skotaktuj sie z adminem."); define(_SEARCHRESULTS_, "Wyniki poszukiwania"); define(_FOUNDRECORDS_, "Znalazl nastepujace wpisy"); define(_NOPRIMARYKEY_, "brak podstawowego klucza lub unikalnego moze spowodowac bledy podczas wyszukiwania!"); define(_DELETERECORDCONFIRM_, "Chcesz usunąc ten wpis?"); define(_DELETERECORD_, "Usuń wpis"); define(_MODIFYRECORD_, "Modyfikuj wpis"); define(_SEARCHEMPTY_, "Nie znaleziono nic co by spełniało twoje kryteria"); define(_RENAMEFIELD_, "Zmien nazwe pola"); define(_FIELDNEWNAME_, "Noa nazwa dla pola"); define(_FIELDNEWNAMEINFO_, "Prosze wprowadz nowe pole i kliknij ok."); define(_RENAMETABLE_, "Zmien nazwe tabeli"); define(_TABLENEWNAME_, "Nowa nazwa dla tabeli"); define(_TABLENEWNAMEINFO_, "Prosze wprowadz nową tabele i kliknij ok"); define(_SQLRESULTS_, "resultaty SQL"); define(_SQLEXECUTED_, "komenda SQL wykonana"); define(_SQLOUTPUT_, "tutaj jest wyjscie komendy"); define(_SQLERROR_, "nie mozna wykonac komendy"); define(_SQLRESULTCODE_, "Zapytanie wykonane wynik jest nastepujący"); define(_SQLRESULTROWS_, "liczba rzedow zwroconych"); define(_SQLRESULTROWSAFFECTED_, "liczba rzedow zwrocona"); define(_SQLRESULTFIELDS_, "liczba pol zwroconych"); define(_TABLEDETAILS_, "detale tabeli"); define(_ADDNEWFIELD_, "dodaj nowe pole"); define(_SEARCHDELETEMODIFYRECORDS_, "szukaj/dodaj/modyfikuj wpisy"); define(_CURDATABASE_, "biezaca baza"); define(_CURTABLE_, "bieżaca tabela"); define(_CHANGEFIELDTYPE_, "zmiana typu pola"); define(_SUCCESSMOD_, "Wpis zmodyfikowany z powodzeniem"); define(_ERRORMOD_, "blad podczas modyfikacji"); define(_ERRORMODRECORD_, "blad znajdz pole do modyfikacji"); define(_ERROROPTIMIZE_, "blad podczas modyfikacji tabeli"); define(_SUCCESSOPTIMIZE_, "Zoptymalizowano tabele"); define(_ERRORTABLEDESC_, "Nie mozna wyciagnąc opisu tabeli"); define(_SEARCHRECORDS_, "wyszukane wpisy"); define(_OPERATION_, "Operacje"); define(_TYPE_, "Typ"); define(_ERRORENAMEFIELD_, "Nie mozna zmienic nazwy pola"); define(_SUCCESSRENAMEFIELD_, "Nazwa pola zmieniona"); define(_ERRORRENAMETABLE_, "nie mozna zmienic nazwy tabeli"); define(_SUCCESSRENAMETABLE_, "zmieniono nazwe tabeli"); define(_RESET_, "Kasuj"); define(_AUTO_INCREMENT_FM_, "Auto Increment (All Int types)"); define(_BINARY_FM_, "Binary (Char, Varchar)"); define(_NOT_NULL_FM_, "Not NULL (All types)"); define(_UNSIGNED_FM_, "Unsigned (Numeric types)"); define(_ZERO_FILL_FM_, "Zero Fill (Numeric types)"); define(_DEFAULT_FM_, "Default (All, except BLOB, TEXT)"); define(_MODIFIERS_, "Modifiers"); define(_IMPORTSUCCESS_, "Dane zaimportowane z powodzeniem"); define(_UPDATE_, "aktualizuj"); define(_BROWSE_, "przeglądaj"); define(_EXPORTFMT_, "format eksportu"); define(_CHANGEDB_, "Zmien baze"); define(_CHANGETABLE_, "Zmien tabele"); define(_SHOWPAGE_, "pokaz nr strony"); define(_RESULTSPERPAGE_, "nr wyników pro strona"); define(_NEXTPAGE_, "Nastepna strona"); define(_PREVIOUSPAGE_, "Poprzednia strona"); define(_NOTE_, "Nota"); define(_ADDFIELDAFTER_, "dodaj pole po"); define(_TABLEEND_, "koniec tabeli"); define(_FINDDB_, "Znajdz baze"); define(_DBMANAGER_, "MAnadzer baz danych"); define(_ALLOWEDDBS_, "twoj uzytkownik ma dostep do nastepujących baz danych"); define(_DISALLOWEDDBS_, "Istnieja bazy do ktorych nei masz dostepu"); define(_WELCOMEDB_, "Witaj na stronie administracyjnej. Mozesz zarzadac swoja tabelą w ramach uzyskanych pozwolen."); define(_CREATEDB_, "Stworz baze"); define(_CREATEDBERROR_, "Nie mozna stworzyc bazy"); define(_CREATEDBGOOD_, "Stworzono baze danych"); define(_DELETEDBERROR_, "nie mozna usunac bazy"); define(_DELETEDBGOOD_, "Usunieto baze danych"); define(_GRANTDBERROR_, "nie mozna zmienic zezwolen uzytkownika"); define(_GRANTDBGOOD_, "Zmieniono pozwolenia uzytkownika"); define(_GRANTUSER_, "Zmien dostep uzytkownika do bazy"); define(_IMPORTTYPE_, "Format importowanego pliku"); define(_CSVHEADER_, "plik CSV zawiera w swoim header pola"); define(_CSVCONTAINER_, "pole CSV container"); define(_CSVSEPERATOR_, "pole CSV seperator"); //define(_SELECTDB_, "Please select the database you wish to administer"); //define(_DBLISTINFO_, "Underneath there are is a list of all the databases residing on the MySQL database server provided. Please click on the database that you wish to administrate."); define(_BROWSEQUICK_, "Szybkie przeglądanie"); ?> mpanel/lang/english.php0100644000175000017500000005664107615470000014125 0ustar and I will reply as soon as possible."); define(_BACKTOLOGINPAGE_, "Back to the login page"); define(_BACKTOMAINPAGE_, "Back to the main page"); define(_BACK_, "Back"); define(_CREATETABLEERROR_, "There was an error trying to create the new table"); define(_CREATETABLEGOOD_, "Table created successfully"); define(_ADDNEWFIELD_, "Add a new field"); define(_ADDFIELDINFO_, "In order to create a new field in your table you must provide the field name and SQL field type, these can be entered below"); define(_FIELDNAME_, "Field name"); define(_FIELDTYPE_, "Field type"); define(_VALUE_, "Value"); define(_FUNC_, "Func."); define(_TINYINT_, "Tiny integer"); define(_SMALLINT_, "Small integer"); define(_MEDIUMINT_, "Medium integer"); define(_INT_, "Integer"); define(_BIGINT_, "Big integer"); define(_FLOAT_, "Float"); define(_DOUBLE_, "Double"); define(_DECIMAL_, "Decimal"); define(_CHAR_, "Char"); define(_VARCHAR_, "Varchar"); define(_TINYTEXT_, "Tiny text"); define(_TINYBLOB_, "Tiny blob"); define(_ENUM_, "Enum"); define(_TEXT_, "Text"); define(_BLOB_, "Blob"); define(_MEDIUMTEXT_, "Medium text"); define(_MEDIUMBLOB_, "Medium blob"); define(_LONGTEXT_, "Long text"); define(_LONGBLOB_, "Long blob"); define(_DATETIME_, "Date & Time"); define(_DATE_, "Date"); define(_TIME_, "Time"); define(_YEAR_, "Year"); define(_TIMESTAMP_, "Timestamp"); define(_MODIFIERS_, "Modifiers"); define(_OK_, "OK"); define(_CREATEKEYERROR_, "There was an error trying to create the new key"); define(_CREATEKEYGOOD_, "Key created successfully"); define(_ADDKEY_, "Add a new key"); define(_ADDKEYTOTABLE_, "Add a new key to table"); define(_ADDKEYINFO_, "To create a new key, you must enter a few details below, the key name, the key type and the fields that the key should cover."); define(_ADDKEYWARNING_, "NOTE:Remember a key cannot exceed 255 characters in total!"); define(_KEYNAME_, "Key name"); define(_KEYTYPE_, "Key type"); define(_PRIMARYKEY_, "Primary key"); define(_UNIQUEKEY_, "Unique key"); define(_NORMALKEY_, "Key"); define(_KEYFIELDS_, "Fields to cover"); define(_FIELDS_, "Fields"); define(_ADDRECORDERROR_, "Unable to add record"); define(_ADDRECORDGOOD_, "Added record to table"); define(_LISTFIELDSERROR_, "Unable to retrieve a field list"); define(_ADDRECORD_, "Add a record"); define(_EXPORTTABLE_, "Export table"); define(_EXECUTESQL_, "Execute SQL command"); define(_CREATETABLE_, "Create a new table"); define(_CREATETABLEINFO_, "To create a new table, simply enter the name of the new table you wish to create below. The table will be created with an empty field called \"delete_me\", this is because all tables require at the very least one column to exist."); define(_NEWTABLENAME_, "New table name"); define(_DELETEDBERROR_, "Unable to delete database"); define(_DROPFIELDERROR_, "Unable to drop field"); define(_DROPFIELDGOOD_, "Field deleted successfully"); define(_DROPKEYERROR_, "Unable to delete key"); define(_DROPKEYGOOD_, "Key deleted successfully"); define(_DELETERECORDERROR_, "Error deleting record"); define(_DELETERECORDGOOD_, "Record deleted successfully"); define(_DROPTABLEERROR_, "Unable to delete table"); define(_DROPTABLEGOOD_, "Table deleted successfully"); define(_CHOOSEEXPORT_, "Choose what to export"); define(_EXPORTINGDATA_, "Exporting data"); define(_CONSTRUCTION_, "Construction"); define(_TABLEDATA_, "Table data"); define(_TABLEKEYS_, "Table keys"); define(_EDITFIELDERROR_, "Unable to edit field type"); define(_EDITFIELDGOOD_, "Field type edited successfully"); define(_EDITFIELD_, "Edit field type"); define(_NEWFIELDTYPE_, "New field type"); define(_ERROR_, "An error occured"); define(_ERRORINFO_, "Sorry but an error just occured when you were trying to perform this task, if this shouldn't have happened and you think it is a bug please submit a bug report to me here stating how, when and why it occured and i'll try to fix it. Otherwise you might have not got your username and/or password and/or database name wrong which would mean you need to go back to the login screen and try to login again. Otherwise, you might be able to just click back to try again."); define(_ERRORMSG_, "Error message"); define(_ERRORDBCONNECT_, "Unable to connect to the database server, please check your username and password."); define(_ERRORDBLIST_, "Unable to obtain a list of databases present on the server, please contact the server administrator for more assistance."); define(_HELPPAGE_, "Help page"); define(_HELPINTRO_, "\"Matt's MySQL Control-Panel\" was designed so that people could access their MySQL databases to construct tables etc without needing a telnet account, a number of things can be done with this script, including;"); define(_HELPCREATEDELETETABLE_, "Creating/deleting table"); define(_HELPDELETEDB_, "Deletion of databases"); define(_INTRO_, "Introduction"); define(_HELPADDDELETEFIELDS_, "Add/deleting fields from tables"); define(_HELPALTERFIELDS_, "Alteration of current field names/types"); define(_HELPINSERTRECORDS_, "Inserting records into tables"); define(_HELPDELETERECORDS_, "Deleting records from tables"); define(_HELPMODIFYRECORDS_, "Modifying existing records in tables"); define(_HELPEXECUTESQL_, "Execution of MySQL commands"); define(_ETC_, "etc"); define(_HELPTOC_, "Table Of Contents"); define(_HELPLOGIN_, "Logging into the system"); define(_HELPCREATETABLE_, "Creating a table"); define(_HELPADDFIELD_, "Adding a field to the table"); define(_HELPEDITFIELD_, "Editing the field type"); define(_HELPINSERTRECORD_, "Inserting a record into the table"); define(_HELPQUERYTABLE_, "Querying a table for information"); define(_HELPDELETEMODIFYRECORD_, "Deleting/Modifying a record in the table"); define(_HELPDELETEFIELD_, "Deleting a field in the table"); define(_HELPDELETETABLE_, "Deleting a table from the database"); define(_HELPDELETEDB_, "Deleting a database"); define(_HELPEXECUTINGSQL_, "Executing a MySQL command"); define(_HELPEXPORTING_, "Exporting a table or database"); define(_HELPIMPORTING_, "Importing your own database"); define(_HELPLOGININFO_, "OK, this is the first and most important part that you must do correctly otherwise you are going nowhere! Your username is the username that you use to connect to the MySQL database and your password is the password that you were given to access the MySQL database. The next part is the database name that you wish to use, if this is left blank then a list of all available databases will be given for you to choose from. The last part is the hostname of the MySQL server, this is very important as some servers don't allow remote connections and hence this script will have to reside on the server itself to be any use."); define(_HELPCREATETABLEINFO_, "Creating a table is easy with this script, once logged in click on the \"Create table\" button on the left hand side of the screen, this should open up a new window displaying an input dialog and \"Create\" button, simply type in the name of the table which you wish to create and then click \"Create\". Its as simple as that, just refresh the main screen and the new table should have been created provided of course that your table name was legal! The table will contain a single field called \"Delete_me\" this is because a table has to contain at least one field, this means that once you have constructed your table you can simply delete this field, for information on how to do this see here."); define(_HELPADDFIELDINFO_, "When you want to add a field to your database you must select the required table by logging in and clicking on the tablename in the list, this will bring up a list of all the field names currently present in the table. To add a new field to this list click the \"Add field\" button at the side of the screen, this will cause a popup window asking you for the new field's name and type, please note that the type details are very important and if you are not aware of the different types of field in MySQL I would recommend reading up on them either in the MySQL manual or on this page from Your-Name-Here which contains some information on field lengths and types."); define(_HELPEDITFIELDINFO_, "Editing the field information and setting the type of field is another process which requires knowledge of field types and some MySQL knowledge (see '3. Adding a field to the table' for help on finding places of information) and must be done from within the table information area, this is found by clicking on the table which contains the field you wish to alter. Next to each field there are a couple of buttons, one of these is called \"Edit type\", by clicking this button a new window will popup with a place where you can enter the new field type, once this has been entered click the \"Go\" button to update the database."); define(_HELPINSERTRECORDINFO_, "To insert a record into one of your tables you must first select it on the main screen, this will take you to a page containing a list of all the fields in the table and some information on each of their types. By then clicking on the \"Add Record\" button you will be taken to another page containing an input dialog for each field where you can enter information in which will be placed into the record you wish to inser into the table. Once you have finished click \"Add Record\" at the bottom of the screen to insert the record into the database.o insert a record into one of your tables you must first select it on the main screen, this will take you to a page containing a list of all the fields in the table and some information on each of their types. By then clicking on the \"Add Record\" button you will be taken to another page containing an input dialog for each field where you can enter information in which will be placed into the record you wish to inser into the table. Once you have finished click \"Add Record\" at the bottom of the screen to insert the record into the database."); define(_HELPQUERYTABLEINFO_, "This is quite simple to do, once you have selected the table that contains the data which you want to query click on the \"Query table\" button on the left hand side of the screen, this will bring up a few text boxes - one for each field in your table. This is where you put in the data that you want to search for, the script will then search the current database and table for the records matching the data your provided and will display the results in tables."); define(_HELPDELETEMODIFYRECORDINFO_, "This feature is quite easy to use, however it can be dangerous depending on whether you have multiple records identical. The problem is that if two records are identical then by deleting one of them you automatically delete the other - this is where 'id' fields and unique fields come into their own (aka Primary Keys). These fields can be used to tell each individual field apart. To delete a field firstly click on the table that contains the field on the main screen and then click on the 'Delete record' button at the side of the screen, then fill in as much information as you can on the screen (not case sensitive and it does search for the record so part of the record is useful for searching) then click search, the search results will be displayed on the screen, simply click on the \"Delete me\" button to remove the record (and hopefully just that record) from the table. Modifying a field is done in much the same way, the only difference is that when you click the \"Modify\" button after a search you must then fill in the new details to be put into the table."); define(_HELPDELETEFIELDINFO_, "Deleting a field in one of your tables is even easier than adding a field, simply select the table on the main screen which contains the field you wish to delete and then click on the \"Delete\" button next to the specific field, the script will ask you three times if you are sure you want to delete this field and then it will be deleted along with all the information contained within it."); define(_HELPDELETETABLEINFO_, "Deleting a table from the database is as easy as deleting a field from one of your tables, simple click the delete button next to the table you want to delete on the main table and then confirm your choice, but remember if you delete a table from one of your databases, it will be totally deleted and you will not be able to retrieve any of the data contained within it."); define(_HELPDELETEDBINFO_, "To delete a database click on the \"Delete database\" button on the main screen, once again you will have to confirm your choice three times and then the database will be deleted, this will of course delete everything it is very important that you do not do this by accident as all of your database information will be removed and you will not be able to retrieve any of it!"); define(_HELPEXECUTINGSQLINFO_, "In order to execute a MySQL command you must of course know what a MySQL command is and does and how it is going to change your database. If you know how to use MySQL then you can simply enter the command into the input dialog on either the main screen or on the table details screen to execute that command, you will not see any output however, it will just execute the command silently."); define(_HELPEXPORTINGINFO_, "This function of the script can be incredibly useful if you need to get a copy of the database currently on the server, it allows you to 'mysqldump' the database or table of your choice via the web server and then just save the page-source to a file which is then identical to a file which 'mysqldump' would have created - easy."); define(_HELPIMPORTINGINFO_, "Importing your own database created by 'mysqldump' is just as easy to perform. To do this click on the \"Import data\" button on the main screen, this will bring up a new window where you can enter a local filename, this is the file which you wish to upload, then click \"Import!\" to import the data into the database, just refresh the main screen and the data should have been entered into the database providing that there were no errors of course."); define(_IMPORTDATA_, "Import data"); define(_IMPORTDATAINSTRUCT_, "In order to import data into this database you must click on the \"Browse...\" button and select a previously dumped file. These files are just a long list of SQL commands which reconstruct any aspect of the database dumped."); define(_IMPORTFILE_, "Import file"); define(_IMPORTDBDATA_, "Import database data"); define(_WELCOMETITLE_, "Welcome"); define(_EXPORTDB_, "Export database"); define(_DELETEDB_, "Delete database"); define(_DELETETABLE_, "Delete table"); define(_OPTIMIZETABLE_, "Optimize table"); define(_DELETEFIELD_, "Delete field"); define(_DELETEDBCONFIRM_, "Are you sure you want to delete this database?"); define(_DELETEFIELDCONFIRM_, "Are you sure you want to delete this field?"); define(_DELETETABLECONFIRM_, "Are you sure you want to delete this table?"); define(_LOGOUTCONFIRM_, "OK to log out?"); define(_LOGOUT_, "Logout"); define(_TABLENAME_, "Table name"); define(_COMMANDS_, "Commands"); define(_KEYMANAGEMENT_, "Key management"); define(_DELETEKEYCONFIRM_, "Are you sure you want to delete this key?"); define(_DELETEKEY_, "Delete key"); define(_MODIFYARECORD_, "Modify a record"); define(_LOGINERROR_, "Unable to login"); define(_LOGINERRORINFO_, "We're sorry but we were unable to log you into the MySQL server, this could be for a number of reasons, perhaps your username and/or password are incorrect or the database you supplied doesn't exist on the server. It could also be that the server doesn't allow remote connections and you have to connect to the server from the server itself. If this problem continues you should contact the server administrator."); define(_SEARCHRESULTS_, "Search results"); define(_FOUNDRECORDS_, "Found the following records"); define(_NOPRIMARYKEY_, "No primary key or unique key is present in this table so any attempt to modify or delete a record can produce unpredictable results!"); define(_DELETERECORDCONFIRM_, "OK to delete this record?"); define(_DELETERECORD_, "Delete record"); define(_MODIFYRECORD_, "Modify record"); define(_SEARCHEMPTY_, "No records were found matching your search criteria"); define(_RENAMEFIELD_, "Rename field"); define(_FIELDNEWNAME_, "New name for field"); define(_FIELDNEWNAMEINFO_, "Please enter the new field name and press the 'OK' button."); define(_RENAMETABLE_, "Rename table"); define(_TABLENEWNAME_, "New name for table"); define(_TABLENEWNAMEINFO_, "Please enter the new table name and then press the 'OK' button"); define(_SQLRESULTS_, "SQL results"); define(_SQLEXECUTED_, "SQL command executed successfully"); define(_SQLOUTPUT_, "Here is the output of your SQL command"); define(_SQLERROR_, "Unable to execute SQL command"); define(_SQLRESULTCODE_, "Query executed, MySQL returned the following"); define(_SQLRESULTROWS_, "Number of rows returned"); define(_SQLRESULTROWSAFFECTED_, "Number of rows returned"); define(_SQLRESULTFIELDS_, "Number of fields returned"); define(_TABLEDETAILS_, "Table details"); define(_ADDNEWFIELD_, "Add new field"); define(_SEARCHDELETEMODIFYRECORDS_, "Search/Delete/Modify records"); define(_CURDATABASE_, "Current database"); define(_CURTABLE_, "Current table"); define(_CHANGEFIELDTYPE_, "Changing field type"); define(_SUCCESSMOD_, "Entry successfully modified"); define(_ERRORMOD_, "Error modifying entry"); define(_ERRORMODRECORD_, "Error find record for modification"); define(_ERROROPTIMIZE_, "Error optimizing table"); define(_SUCCESSOPTIMIZE_, "Successfully optimized table"); define(_ERRORTABLEDESC_, "Unable to obtain table description"); define(_SEARCHRECORDS_, "Search records"); define(_OPERATION_, "Operation"); define(_TYPE_, "Type"); define(_ERRORENAMEFIELD_, "Unable to rename field"); define(_SUCCESSRENAMEFIELD_, "Successfully renamed field"); define(_ERRORRENAMETABLE_, "Unable to rename table"); define(_SUCCESSRENAMETABLE_, "Successfully renamed table"); define(_RESET_, "Reset"); define(_AUTO_INCREMENT_FM_, "Auto Increment (All Int types)"); define(_BINARY_FM_, "Binary (Char, Varchar)"); define(_NOT_NULL_FM_, "Not NULL (All types)"); define(_UNSIGNED_FM_, "Unsigned (Numeric types)"); define(_ZERO_FILL_FM_, "Zero Fill (Numeric types)"); define(_DEFAULT_FM_, "Default (All, except BLOB, TEXT)"); define(_MODIFIERS_, "Modifiers"); define(_IMPORTSUCCESS_, "Data imported successfully, number of SQL queries executed"); define(_UPDATE_, "Update"); define(_BROWSE_, "Browse"); define(_EXPORTFMT_, "Export format"); define(_CHANGEDB_, "Change database"); define(_CHANGETABLE_, "Change table"); define(_SHOWPAGE_, "Show page number"); define(_RESULTSPERPAGE_, "Number of results per page"); define(_NEXTPAGE_, "Next page"); define(_PREVIOUSPAGE_, "Previous page"); define(_NOTE_, "Note"); define(_ADDFIELDAFTER_, "Add field after"); define(_TABLEEND_, "Table end"); define(_FINDDB_, "Find database"); define(_DBMANAGER_, "Database manager"); define(_ALLOWEDDBS_, "Your user has access to the following databases and their respective tables"); define(_DISALLOWEDDBS_, "These are the databases you do not have access to"); define(_WELCOMEDB_, "Welcome to the database administration page. You can either select a database to administer from below or manage the available databases (if access permits)."); define(_CREATEDB_, "Create a database"); define(_CREATEDBERROR_, "Unable to create database"); define(_CREATEDBGOOD_, "Successfully created database"); define(_DELETEDBERROR_, "Unable to delete database"); define(_DELETEDBGOOD_, "Successfully deleted database"); define(_GRANTDBERROR_, "Unable to grant user permissions"); define(_GRANTDBGOOD_, "Successfully granted user permissions"); define(_GRANTUSER_, "Grant database access to a user"); define(_IMPORTTYPE_, "File import format"); define(_CSVHEADER_, "CSV file contains field header line"); define(_CSVCONTAINER_, "CSV field container"); define(_CSVSEPERATOR_, "CSV field seperator"); //define(_SELECTDB_, "Please select the database you wish to administer"); //define(_DBLISTINFO_, "Underneath there are is a list of all the databases residing on the MySQL database server provided. Please click on the database that you wish to administrate."); define(_BROWSEQUICK_, "Quick Browse"); // A couple of new ones define(_DELUSER_, "Delete a user"); define(_DELUSERCHOOSE_, "You must choose a user to delete"); define(_DELUSERBAD_, "An error occured when trying to delete the user"); define(_DELUSERGOOD_, "User deleted successfully"); define(_GRANTDBCHOOSE_, "You must choose a database"); define(_CREATEDBCHOOSE_, "You must enter a database name"); define(_REVOKEUSERGOOD_, "Successfully revoked privaleges"); define(_REVOKEUSERBAD_, "An error occured while trying to revoke privaleges"); define(_REVOKEUSERCHOOSE_, "You must choose a privalege set to revoke"); define(_REVOKEUSER_, "Revoke user access"); ?> mpanel/lang/br_portuguese.php0100600000175000017500000005264707567500634015370 0ustar e eu vou responder o mais breve possível."); define(_BACKTOLOGINPAGE_, "Voltar para a página de login"); define(_BACKTOMAINPAGE_, "Voltar para a página principal"); define(_BACK_, "Voltar"); define(_CREATETABLEERROR_, "Houve um erro ao tentar criar uma nova tabela"); define(_CREATETABLEGOOD_, "Tabela criada com sucesso"); define(_ADDNEWFIELD_, "Adicionar novo campo"); define(_ADDFIELDINFO_, "Para poder criar um novo campo na sua taela vocę deve fornecer o nome do campo e o tipo de campo, isto pode ser informado abaixo"); define(_FIELDNAME_, "Nome do Campo"); define(_FIELDTYPE_, "Tipo do Campo"); define(_VALUE_, "Valor"); define(_FUNC_, "Func."); define(_TINYINT_, "Tiny integer"); define(_SMALLINT_, "Small integer"); define(_MEDIUMINT_, "Medium integer"); define(_INT_, "Integer"); define(_BIGINT_, "Big integer"); define(_FLOAT_, "Float"); define(_DOUBLE_, "Double"); define(_DECIMAL_, "Decimal"); define(_CHAR_, "Char"); define(_VARCHAR_, "Varchar"); define(_TINYTEXT_, "Tiny text"); define(_TINYBLOB_, "Tiny blob"); define(_ENUM_, "Enum"); define(_TEXT_, "Text"); define(_BLOB_, "Blob"); define(_MEDIUMTEXT_, "Medium text"); define(_MEDIUMBLOB_, "Medium blob"); define(_LONGTEXT_, "Long text"); define(_LONGBLOB_, "Long blob"); define(_DATETIME_, "Date & Time"); define(_DATE_, "Date"); define(_TIME_, "Time"); define(_YEAR_, "Year"); define(_TIMESTAMP_, "Timestamp"); define(_MODIFIERS_, "Modificadores"); define(_OK_, "OK"); define(_CREATEKEYERROR_, "Houve um erro ao tentar criar uma nova Chave"); define(_CREATEKEYGOOD_, "Chave criada com sucesso"); define(_ADDKEY_, "Adicionar nova chave"); define(_ADDKEYTOTABLE_, "Adicionar nova chave para a tabela"); define(_ADDKEYINFO_, "Para criar uma nova chave, voce precisa entrar alguns detalhes abaixo, o nome da Chave, o tipo de Chave e campos que a chave vai cobrir."); define(_ADDKEYWARNING_, "NOTA:Lembre-se uma chave năo pode exceder 255 caracteres no total!"); define(_KEYNAME_, "Nome da chave"); define(_KEYTYPE_, "Tipo da chave"); define(_PRIMARYKEY_, "Primary key"); define(_UNIQUEKEY_, "Unique key"); define(_NORMALKEY_, "Key"); define(_KEYFIELDS_, "Campos a cobrir"); define(_FIELDS_, "Campos"); define(_ADDRECORDERROR_, "Impossivel adicionar registro"); define(_ADDRECORDGOOD_, "Registro adicionado a tabela"); define(_LISTFIELDSERROR_, "Impossivel recuperar lista de campos"); define(_ADDRECORD_, "Adicionar um registro"); define(_EXPORTTABLE_, "Exportar tabela"); define(_EXECUTESQL_, "Executar comando SQL"); define(_CREATETABLE_, "Criar nova tabela"); define(_CREATETABLEINFO_, "Para criar uma nova tabela, simplesmente entre o nome da nova tabela que vocę deseja criar. A tabela será criada com um campo vazio chamado \"delete_me\", isto é porque todas as tabelas requerem que ao menos um capo para poderem ser criadas."); define(_NEWTABLENAME_, "Nome da nova tabela"); define(_DELETEDBERROR_, "Impossível apagar o banco de dados"); define(_DROPFIELDERROR_, "Impossível remover o campo"); define(_DROPFIELDGOOD_, "Campo removido"); define(_DROPKEYERROR_, "Impossivel remover a chave"); define(_DROPKEYGOOD_, "Chave apagada"); define(_DELETERECORDERROR_, "Erro ao apagar o registro"); define(_DELETERECORDGOOD_, "Registro apagado"); define(_DROPTABLEERROR_, "Impossivel apagar a tabela"); define(_DROPTABLEGOOD_, "Tabela apagada"); define(_CHOOSEEXPORT_, "Escolha os itens para exportar"); define(_EXPORTINGDATA_, "Exportando dados"); define(_CONSTRUCTION_, "Construçăo"); define(_TABLEDATA_, "Dados da Tabela"); define(_TABLEKEYS_, "Chaves da Tabela"); define(_EDITFIELDERROR_, "Impossivel editar o tipo do campo"); define(_EDITFIELDGOOD_, "Tipo do campo alterado"); define(_EDITFIELD_, "Alterar o tipo do campo"); define(_NEWFIELDTYPE_, "Novo tipo de campo"); define(_ERROR_, "Um erro ocorreu"); define(_ERRORINFO_, "Desculpe, mas ocorreu um erro quanto vocę tentou realizar esta tarefa, se năo era isso que vocę esperava e parece um BUG, por favor informe o erro escrevendo um e-mail para este endereço, informando como, quando e porque e eu tentarei consertar o programa."); define(_ERRORMSG_, "Mensagem de erro"); define(_FINDDB_, "Localizar banco de dados"); define(_ERRORDBCONNECT_, "Impossível de conectar com o servidor de banco de dados, por favor verifique o usuário e senha."); define(_ERRORDBLIST_, "Impossível de obter a lista de bancos de dados presente no servidor, por favor solicite ajuda ao administrador."); define(_SELECTDB_, "Por favor selecione o banco de dados que vocę deseja administrar"); define(_DBLISTINFO_, "Logo abaixo é a lista de todos os bancos de dados existentes no servidor informado. Por favor clique no banco de dados que vocę deseja administrar."); define(_HELPPAGE_, "Página de Ajuda"); define(_HELPINTRO_, "\"Matt's MySQL Control-Panel\" foi desenvolvido para que as pessoas possam acessar bancos de dados MySQL, construir tabelas etc. sem precisar uma conta de telnet. Uma série de coisas podem ser feitas com este script, incluindo;"); define(_HELPCREATEDELETETABLE_, "Criando/Apagando tabela"); define(_HELPDELETEDB_, "Apagando banco de dados"); define(_INTRO_, "Introduçăo"); define(_HELPADDDELETEFIELDS_, "Adicionando/Apagando campos das tabelas"); define(_HELPALTERFIELDS_, " Alteraçăo de nomes de campo e tipos"); define(_HELPINSERTRECORDS_, "Inserindo registros nas tabelas"); define(_HELPDELETERECORDS_, "Apagando registros em tabelas"); define(_HELPMODIFYRECORDS_, "Modificando registros existentes em tabelas"); define(_HELPEXECUTESQL_, "Executar comandos MySQL"); define(_ETC_, "etc"); define(_HELPTOC_, "Tabela de Conteúdo"); define(_HELPLOGIN_, "Fazendo login no sistema"); define(_HELPCREATETABLE_, "Criando uma tabela"); define(_HELPADDFIELD_, "Adicionando um campo a uma tabela"); define(_HELPEDITFIELD_, "Editando o tipo do campo"); define(_HELPINSERTRECORD_, "Inserindo um registro na tabela"); define(_HELPQUERYTABLE_, "Fazento uma query na tabela"); define(_HELPDELETEMODIFYRECORD_, "Apagando/Editando um registro na tabela"); define(_HELPDELETEFIELD_, "Apagando um campo na tabela"); define(_HELPDELETETABLE_, "Apagando uma tabela do banco de dados"); define(_HELPDELETEDB_, "Apagando um banco de dados"); define(_HELPEXECUTINGSQL_, "Executando um comando MySQL"); define(_HELPEXPORTING_, "Exportando uma tabela ou banco de dados"); define(_HELPIMPORTING_, "Importanto seu banco de dados"); define(_HELPLOGININFO_, "OK, esta é a parte mais importante, vocę precisa fazer tudo correto, caso contrário nada vai funcionar! O nome do usuário (username) é o nome usado para conectar no banco de dados MySQL e a senha (password) é usada para obter acesso ao banco de dados. A próxima parte é o nome do banco que vocę deseja usar, se vocę deixar este campo em branco, uma lista com todos os bancos disponíveis será exibida para vocę escolher. A última parte é o servidor do banco de dados MySQL, isto é muito importante e alguns servidores năo permitem conexőes remotas, neste caso qualquer script que acesse o banco deverá estar rodando no mesmo servidor do banco."); define(_HELPCREATETABLEINFO_, "Criar uma tabela é muito fácil com este script, depois de logado clique em \"Criar Tabela\" no botăo ao lado esquerdo na lateral da tela, isto deve abrir uma nova janela exibindo uma caixa de entrada e um botăo \"Criar\", basta informar o nome da tabela que vocę deseja criar e clicar em \"Criar\". Depois disto basta dar um refresh no browser e a nova tabela estará criada! A nova tabela vai conter um campo chamado \"Delete_me\" isto é porque tabelas novas precisam conter pelo menos um campo, isto significa que basta vocę incluir os campos desejados e apagar este temporário, para informaçőes de como fazer isto, clique aqui."); define(_HELPADDFIELDINFO_, "Quando vocę desejar adicionar um novo campo ao seu banco de dados, vocę deve selecionar a tabela, isto irá mostrar a lista de todos os campos daquela tabela. Para adicionar um novo campo basta clicar em \"Adicionar Campo\" na lateral da tela, vai aparecer um popup perguntando o nome e o tipo do campo a ser adicionado, por favor note que o tipo de campo é importate, se vocę năo está familiarizado com os diferentes tipos de campo do MySQL, eu recomendo vocę ler uma documentaçăo a respeito no Manual Oficial do MySQL ou em nesta página que contém algumas informaçőes sobre campos, tamanhos e tipos."); define(_HELPEDITFIELDINFO_, "Editar informaçőes do campo e configurar o tipo do campo é outro processo que requer conhecimentos sobre o MySQL e tipos (veja '3. Adicionando um campo na tabela' para ajuda) e precisa ser feito com informaçőes sobre a tabela, isto vocę acha clicando na tabela, que contém o campo que vocę deseja alterar. Próximo a cada campo existe um grupo de botőes, um destes é o \"Editar tipo\", clicando neste botăo uma nova janela irá abrir com espaço para voce entrar o novo tipo, com isto informado, basta confirmar e o banco de dados estará atualizado."); define(_HELPINSERTRECORDINFO_, "Para inserir um registro em uma das tabelas, vocę precisa seleciona-la primeiro na tela principal, quando entăo será exibida uma página contendo todos os campos da tabela e informaçőes sobre os tipos dos campos. Clicando no botăo \"Adicionar Registro\" será exibida uma nova página contendo campos de entrada para cada campo da tabela. Depois de preencher as informaçőes clique em \"Adicionar Registro\" para inserir o novo registro na tabela."); @@define(_HELPQUERYTABLEINFO_, "Isto é simples de se fazer, uma vez selecionada a tabela que contém os dados que vocę deseja, basta clicar em \"Query Tabela\" no cando esquerdo da tela, e isto trará algumas caixas de texto - uma para cada campo na sua tabela. Coloque o testo que vocę deseja pesquisar no campo correspondente, e o script vai procurar no banco de dados atual e nas tabelas por registros que satisfaçam os critérios da query, e irá mostrar os resultados."); @@define(_HELPDELETEMODIFYRECORDINFO_, "Este recurso é fácil de usar, entretanto pode ser perigoso se vocę tiver registros múltiplos idęnticos. O problema é que se vocę tem dois registros idęnticos, e deletar um deles, automaticamnte o outro será deletado - para evitar isso utilize campos com ID e campos com chave única (Primary Keys). Estes campos săo usados para distinguir os registros. Para apagar um registro, primeiro clique na tabela onde contém o campo e depois que no botăo 'Apagar Registro' na lateral da tela, entăo preencha as informaçőes necessárias e entăo clique em PESQUISAR, os resultados serăo exbidos na tela, simplesmente clique em \"Apagar\" para remover o registro da tabela. Modificar um campo é feito da mesma maneira, a única diferença é que vocę clica em \"Modificar\" após uma pesquisa e informar os detalhes para gravar na tabela."); define(_HELPDELETEFIELDINFO_, "Deletar um campo em uma das tabelas é mais facil do que adicionar, simplesmente selecione a tabela na tela principal e clique no botăo APAGAR próximo ao campo desejado, o script irá perguntar tres vezes se vocę deseja apagar o campo, e logo após a confirmaçăo o campo e as informaçőes serăo apagadas."); define(_HELPDELETETABLEINFO_, "Deletar uma tabela do banco de dados é mais fácil que deletar um campo das tabelas, simplesmente clique no botăo APAGAR que está próximo da tabela desejada e confirme sua escolha, mas lembre-se que após apagar uma tabela, esta năo tem como ser recuperada, nem os dados que estiverem dentro."); define(_HELPDELETEDBINFO_, "Para apagar um banco de dados, clique em \"Apagar Banco de Dados\" na tela principal, novamente vocę será perguntado tręs vezes para confirmar o banco de dados que será apagado, juntamente com todas as tabelas e informaçőes. "); define(_HELPEXECUTINGSQLINFO_, "Para poder executar um comando no MySQL, é claro que vocę precisa saber qual o o comando a executar e no que ele vai afetar o seu banco de dados. Se vocę sabe usar o MySQL simplesmente entre com o comando na caixa de diálogo, na tela principal, se năo obtiver nenhuma mensagem de erro é porque o comando foi executado perfeitamente."); define(_HELPEXPORTINGINFO_, "Esta funçăo do script server para vocę obter uma cópia do banco de dados, isto permite a vocę gerar um DUMP do banco de dados de forma a poder exportar os dados e tabelas para outro servidor MySQL, ou somente para fazer um backup."); define(_HELPIMPORTINGINFO_, "Importar o seu banco de dados criado pele MYSQLDUMP é muito fácil de fazer. Para fazer isto, clique em \"Importar Dados\" na tela principal, isto abrirá uma janela para vocę informar o arquivo local com os dados, este é o arquivo que vocę precisa fazer upload, entăo clique em \"Importar!\" para importar os dados para o banco de dados, aguarde e dę um refresh na tela para ver os dados importados."); define(_IMPORTDATA_, "Importando Dados"); define(_IMPORTDATAINSTRUCT_, "Para importar dados para este banco voce precisa clicar em \"Browse...\" e selecionar um arquivo de dump. Estes arquivos săo apenas uma longa lista de comandos SQL que văo reconstruir o banco de dados."); define(_IMPORTFILE_, "Importanto Arquivo"); define(_IMPORTDBDATA_, "Importando dados do banco"); define(_WELCOMETITLE_, "Bem-Vindo"); define(_EXPORTDB_, "Exportanto Banco de Dados"); define(_DELETEDB_, "Apagando banco de dados"); define(_DELETETABLE_, "Apagando tabela"); define(_OPTIMIZETABLE_, "Otimizando tabela"); define(_DELETEFIELD_, "Apagando campo"); define(_DELETEDBCONFIRM_, "Vocę tem certeza que quer apagar este banco de dados?"); define(_DELETEFIELDCONFIRM_, "Vocę tem certeza que quer apagar este campo?"); define(_DELETETABLECONFIRM_, "Vocę tem certeza que quer apagar esta tabela?"); define(_LOGOUTCONFIRM_, "OK para o logout?"); define(_LOGOUT_, "Logout"); define(_TABLENAME_, "Nome da Tabela"); define(_COMMANDS_, "Comandos"); define(_KEYMANAGEMENT_, "Gerenciamento de Chaves"); define(_DELETEKEYCONFIRM_, "Vocę tem certeza que quer apagar esta chave?"); define(_DELETEKEY_, "Apagar Chave"); define(_MODIFYARECORD_, "Modificar um registro"); define(_LOGINERROR_, "Impossível de fazer o login"); define(_LOGINERRORINFO_, "Desculpe, mas năo é possível fazer o seu login no MySQL, isto pode ocorrer por diversas razőes, verifique se o seu usuário e senha estăo corretos ou se o banco de dados existe no servidor. O erro também pode ocorrer devido ao servidor năo permitir conexőes remotas, caso vocę esteja conectando remotamente. Se o problema persistir vocę deve entrar em contato com o administrador do servidor ou do banco de dados."); define(_SEARCHRESULTS_, "Resultados da Pesquisa"); define(_FOUNDRECORDS_, "Os seguintes registros foram localizados"); define(_NOPRIMARYKEY_, "Nenhuma chave primária ou chave única está presente nesta tabela, portanto qualquer tentativa de apagar ou modificar um registro pode trazer resultados imprevisíveis !"); define(_DELETERECORDCONFIRM_, "OK para apagar este registro?"); define(_DELETERECORD_, "Apagar registro"); define(_MODIFYRECORD_, "Modificar registro"); define(_SEARCHEMPTY_, "Nenhum registro foi localizado usando a sua pesquisa"); define(_RENAMEFIELD_, "Renomear campo"); define(_FIELDNEWNAME_, "Novo nome para o campo"); define(_FIELDNEWNAMEINFO_, "Por favor entre o novo nome para o campo e pressione 'OK'."); define(_RENAMETABLE_, "Renomear tabela"); define(_TABLENEWNAME_, "Novo nome para a tabela"); define(_TABLENEWNAMEINFO_, "Por favor entre o novo nome para a tabela e pressione 'OK'"); define(_SQLRESULTS_, "Resultados SQL"); define(_SQLEXECUTED_, "Comando SQL executado com sucesso"); define(_SQLOUTPUT_, "Aqui está o resultado do seu comando SQL"); define(_SQLERROR_, "Impossível de executar o comando SQL"); define(_SQLRESULTCODE_, "Query executada, MySQL retornou o seguinte"); define(_SQLRESULTROWS_, "Número de linhas retornados"); define(_SQLRESULTROWSAFFECTED_, "Número de linhas retornadas"); define(_SQLRESULTFIELDS_, "Número de campos retornados"); define(_TABLEDETAILS_, "Detalhes da Tabela"); define(_ADDNEWFIELD_, "Adicionar novo campo"); define(_SEARCHDELETEMODIFYRECORDS_, "Pesquisar/Apagar/Modificar registros"); define(_CURDATABASE_, "Banco de dados atual"); define(_CURTABLE_, "Tabela atual"); define(_CHANGEFIELDTYPE_, "Mudando o tipo do campo"); define(_SUCCESSMOD_, "Modificado com sucesso"); define(_ERRORMOD_, "Erro na modificaçăo"); define(_ERRORMODRECORD_, "Erro ao encontrar para modificaçăo"); define(_ERROROPTIMIZE_, "Erro ao otimizar tabela"); define(_SUCCESSOPTIMIZE_, "Tabela otimizada com sucesso"); define(_ERRORTABLEDESC_, "Impossível de obter a descriçăo da tabela"); define(_SEARCHRECORDS_, "Pesquisar registros"); define(_OPERATION_, "Operaçăo"); define(_TYPE_, "Tipo"); define(_ERRORENAMEFIELD_, "Impossível de renomear o campo"); define(_SUCCESSRENAMEFIELD_, "O campo foi renomeado com sucesso"); define(_ERRORRENAMETABLE_, "Impossível de renomear tabela"); define(_SUCCESSRENAMETABLE_, "Tabela renomeada com sucesso"); define(_RESET_, "Reset"); define(_AUTO_INCREMENT_FM_, "Auto Increment (Todos os tipos inteiros)"); define(_BINARY_FM_, "Binary (Char, Varchar)"); define(_NOT_NULL_FM_, "Not NULL (Todos os tipos)"); define(_UNSIGNED_FM_, "Unsigned (Tipos numéricos)"); define(_ZERO_FILL_FM_, "Zero Fill (Tipos numéricos)"); define(_DEFAULT_FM_, "Default (Todos, exceto BLOB, TEXT)"); define(_MODIFIERS_, "Modificadores"); define(_IMPORTSUCCESS_, "Dados importados com suecesso, número de querys SQL executadas"); define(_UPDATE_, "Atualizar"); define(_BROWSE_, "Browse"); define(_EXPORTFMT_, "Exportar Formato"); define(_CHANGEDB_, "Mudar Banco de Dados"); define(_CHANGETABLE_, "Mudar Tabela"); define(_SHOWPAGE_, "Mostrar número da página"); define(_RESULTSPERPAGE_, "Número de resultados por página"); define(_NEXTPAGE_, "Próxima Página"); define(_PREVIOUSPAGE_, "Página Anterior"); define(_NOTE_, "Nota"); define(_ADDFIELDAFTER_, "Adicionar campo após"); define(_TABLEEND_, "Fim da tabela"); define(_FINDDB_, "Localizar banco de dados"); define(_DBMANAGER_, "Gerenciador do Banco de Dados"); define(_ALLOWEDDBS_, "Seu usuário tem acesso aos seguintes bancos de dados e respectivas tabelas"); define(_DISALLOWEDDBS_, "Estes săo os bancos de dados que vocę năo tem acesso"); define(_WELCOMEDB_, "Bem-vindo a página de administraçăo do banco de dados. Vocę pode selecionar um banco de dados para gerenciar, ou escolher um abaixo (se tiver permissăo de acesso)."); define(_CREATEDB_, "Criar um banco de dados"); define(_CREATEDBERROR_, "Impossivel de criar um banco de dados"); define(_CREATEDBGOOD_, "Banco de dados criado com sucesso"); define(_DELETEDBERROR_, "Impossível apagar o banco de dados"); define(_DELETEDBGOOD_, "Banco de dados apagado com sucesso"); define(_GRANTDBERROR_, "Impossivel de dar permissőes ao usuário"); define(_GRANTDBGOOD_, "Permissőes efetuadas com sucesso"); define(_GRANTUSER_, "Permissőes de acesso ao usuário"); define(_IMPORTTYPE_, "Formato de importaçăo do arquivo"); define(_CSVHEADER_, "arquivo CSV contém field header line"); define(_CSVCONTAINER_, "campo CSV do container"); define(_CSVSEPERATOR_, "campo CSV do seperator"); ?> mpanel/lang/castellano.php0100644000175000017500000006167107546600232014625 0ustar mattmatt Traducción al espańol por Germán Alonso Este programa es gratuito; puede redistribuirlo y/o modificarlo según los términos de la Licencia Pública General GNU (GNU General Public License) tal y como se redactó por la Free Software Foundation; bien la versión 2 de la Licencia o (si lo prefiere) cualquier versión posterior. Este programa ha sido creado con la intención de que sea útil, pero SIN NINGUNA GARANTÍA; ni siquiera la garantía implícita de UTILIDAD COMERCIAL o ADECUACIÓN PARA UN PROPÓSITO ESPECÍFICO. Véase la Licencia Pública General GNU para más información. Junto con este programa debiera haber recibido una copia de la Licencia Pública General GNU; si no es así, escriba a la Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // fichero de la versión en espańol define(_WELCOME_, "Por favor, escriba su nombre de usuario y contraseńa. Escriba también el nombre de la base de datos a la que desea acceder; si no se proporciona el nombre de ninguna base de datos, se proporcionará una lista con todas las bases de datos existentes en el servidor. Para conectarse a un servidor, escriba el nombre del servidor en la casilla \"Servidor\". Si se da algún error, lo más probable es que se trate de un error en el nombre de usuario y/o contraseńa."); define(_USERNAME_, "Nombre de usuario"); define(_PASSWORD_, "Contraseńa"); define(_DBNAME_, "Nombre de la base de datos"); define(_DBHOST_, "Servidor"); define(_LOGIN_, "Conectar"); define(_USE_, "Abrir"); // Página de información define(_ABOUT_, "Acerca de"); define(_ABOUTINFO_, "\"El Panel de Control MySQL de Matt\" (MPanel) ha sido implementado por Matt Wilson con el fin de permitir el acceso a bases de datos MySQL a través de un navegador en vez de usar una cuenta de telnet, y también para los usuarios que quieran usar una base de datos MySQL sin tener que enfrentarse al problema de construir una base de datos en modo texto. Las siguientes funciones pueden ser ejecutadas mediante este panel de control:"); define(_CREATETABLEINFO_, "Crear tablas con las características MySQL ordinarias"); define(_DELETETABLEINFO_, "Borrar tablas de una base de datos"); define(_OPTIMIZETABLEINFO_, "Mejorar las tablas para que se trabaje más rápido"); define(_RENAMETABLEINFO_, "Renombrar tablas"); define(_ADDFIELDSINFO_, "Ańadir nuevos campos a tablas ya existentes"); define(_EDITFIELDINFO_, "Editar los atributos de los campos en tablas y/o campos ya existentes"); define(_DELETEDBINFO_, "Borrar bases de datos"); define(_IMPORTINFO_, "Importar bases de datos desde su servidor local MySQL"); define(_EXPORTDBINFO_, "Exportar bases de datos del servidor"); define(_EXPORTTABLEINFO_, "Exportar tablas individualmente del servidor"); define(_EXECUTESQLINFO_, "Ejecutar instrucciones SQL a medida de forma manual"); define(_CONTACT_, "Contactp"); define(_CONTACTINFO_, "Para cualquier pregunta, etc., puede dirigirse a la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico: y responderé lo antes posible."); define(_BACKTOLOGINPAGE_, "Vuelta a la página de identificación"); define(_BACKTOMAINPAGE_, "Vuelta a la página principal"); define(_BACK_, "Atrás"); define(_CREATETABLEERROR_, "Se ha producido un error al intentar crear la tabla"); define(_CREATETABLEGOOD_, "La tabla ha sido creada satisfactoriamente"); define(_ADDNEWFIELD_, "Ańadir un nuevo campo"); define(_ADDFIELDINFO_, "Para crear un nuevo campo en la tabla, debe escribir el nombre y el tipo SQL del campo"); define(_FIELDNAME_, "Nombre del campo"); define(_FIELDTYPE_, "Tipo SQL del campo"); define(_VALUE_, "Valor"); define(_FUNC_, "Func."); define(_TINYINT_, "Entero enano (tiny integer)"); define(_SMALLINT_, "Entero pequeńo (small integer)"); define(_MEDIUMINT_, "Entero mediano (medium integer)"); define(_INT_, "Entero (integer)"); define(_BIGINT_, "Entero grande (big integer)"); define(_FLOAT_, "Real en coma flotante (float)"); define(_DOUBLE_, "Real de doble precisión (double)"); define(_DECIMAL_, "Decimal (decimal)"); define(_CHAR_, "Cadena fija (char)"); define(_VARCHAR_, "Cadena variable (varchar)"); define(_TINYTEXT_, "Texto enano (tiny text)"); define(_TINYBLOB_, "BLOB enano (tiny blob)"); define(_ENUM_, "Enumerado (enum)"); define(_TEXT_, "Texto (text)"); define(_BLOB_, "BLOB (blob)"); define(_MEDIUMTEXT_, "Texto mediano (medium text)"); define(_MEDIUMBLOB_, "BLOB mediano (medium blob)"); define(_LONGTEXT_, "Texto largo (long text)"); define(_LONGBLOB_, "BLOB grande (long blob)"); define(_DATETIME_, "Fecha/hora"); define(_DATE_, "Fecha"); define(_TIME_, "Hora"); define(_YEAR_, "Ańo"); define(_TIMESTAMP_, "Registro de fecha/hora (timestamp)"); define(_MODIFIERS_, "Modificadores"); define(_AUTO_INCREMENT_FM_, "Incrementado automáticamente (para todos los tipos enteros)"); define(_BINARY_FM_, "Binario (para los tipos de cadena: CHAR y VARCHAR)"); define(_NOT_NULL_FM_, "Requerido/no nulo (para todos los tipos)"); define(_UNSIGNED_FM_, "Sin signo (para todos los tipos numéricos)"); define(_ZERO_FILL_FM_, "Rellenar con ceros (para todos los tipos numéricos)"); define(_DEFAULT_FM_, "Valor por defecto (para todos, excepto BLOB y texto)"); define(_OK_, "Aceptar"); define(_CREATEKEYERROR_, "Se ha producido un error al crear la nueva clave"); define(_CREATEKEYGOOD_, "La clave ha sido creada satisfactoriamente"); define(_ADDKEY_, "Ańadir una nueva clave"); define(_ADDKEYTOTABLE_, "Ańadir una nueva clave a la tabla"); define(_ADDKEYINFO_, "Para crear una nueva clave, debe escribir estos datos: el nombre de la clave, el tipo de la clave y los campos que la componen."); define(_ADDKEYWARNING_, "NOTA:ˇRecuerde que el nombre de una clave no puede superar los 255 caracteres de extensión!"); define(_KEYNAME_, "Nombre de la clave"); define(_KEYTYPE_, "Tipo de la clave"); define(_PRIMARYKEY_, "Clave primaria"); define(_UNIQUEKEY_, "Clave única"); define(_NORMALKEY_, "Clave"); define(_KEYFIELDS_, "Campos que componen la clave"); define(_FIELDS_, "Campos"); define(_ADDRECORDERROR_, "No se ha podido ańadir el registro"); define(_ADDRECORDGOOD_, "El registro ha sido incluido en la tabla"); define(_LISTFIELDSERROR_, "No se ha podido obtener una lista de los campos"); define(_ADDRECORD_, "Ańadir un registro"); define(_EXPORTTABLE_, "Exportar tabla"); define(_EXECUTESQL_, "Ejecutar una instrucción SQL"); define(_CREATETABLE_, "Crear una nueva tabla"); define(_CREATETABLEINFO_, "Para crear una nueva tabla, basta con escribir el nombre de la tabla que desea crear. La tabla se creará con un campo vacío llamado \"borreme\" (\"delete_me\"); este campo es necesario ya que es obligatorio que todas las tablas tengan al menos un campo."); define(_NEWTABLENAME_, "Nombre de la nueva tabla"); define(_DELETEDBERROR_, "No ha sido posible borrar la tabla"); define(_DROPFIELDERROR_, "No es posible eliminar el campo"); define(_DROPFIELDGOOD_, "El campo ha sido eliminado de la tabla satisfactoriamente"); define(_DROPKEYERROR_, "No es posible eliminar la clave"); define(_DROPKEYGOOD_, "La clave ha sido eliminada satisfactoriamente"); define(_DELETERECORDERROR_, "Se ha producido un error al borrar el registro"); define(_DELETERECORDGOOD_, "El registro se ha borrado satisfactoriamente"); define(_DROPTABLEERROR_, "No es posible eliminar la tabla"); define(_DROPTABLEGOOD_, "La tabla ha sido eliminada satisfactoriamente"); define(_CHOOSEEXPORT_, "Escoja lo que quiera exportar"); define(_EXPORTINGDATA_, "Exportando la información"); define(_CONSTRUCTION_, "Construcción"); define(_TABLEDATA_, "Datos de la tabla"); define(_TABLEKEYS_, "Claves de la tabla"); define(_EDITFIELDERROR_, "No es posible modificar el tipo del campo"); define(_EDITFIELDGOOD_, "El tipo del campo ha sido modificado satisfactoriamente"); define(_EDITFIELD_, "Modificar el tipo de campo"); define(_NEWFIELDTYPE_, "Nuevo tipo de campo"); define(_ERROR_, "Se ha producido un error"); define(_ERRORINFO_, "Lo sentimos, pero ha ocurrido un error cuando se intentaba llevar a cabo la operación; si no debiera haber ocurrido y cree que es un fallo de programación (bug), por favor, envíeme un informe pulsando aquí que incluya cómo, cuándo y por qué ha ocurrido e intentaremos solucionarlo. Si no, puede que su nombre de usuario y/o su contraseńa y/o el nombre de la base de datos sean erróneos, lo que significa que necesita a la página de autentificación e intentar identificarse de nuevo. También puede pulsar aquí para volver a intentarlo."); define(_ERRORMSG_, "Mensaje de error"); define(_FINDDB_, "Encontrar base de datos"); define(_ERRORDBCONNECT_, "No es posible conectar con el servidor de bases de datos; por favor, compruebe su nombre de usuario y contraseńa."); define(_ERRORDBLIST_, "No es posible obtener una lista de todas las bases de datos existentes en el servidor; por favor, póngase en contacto con el administrador del servidor para obtener más ayuda."); define(_SELECTDB_, "Por favor, escoja la base de datos que desea administrar."); define(_DBLISTINFO_, "A continuación se muestra una lista de las bases de datos residentes en el servidor de bases de datos MySQL especificado. Por favor, pulse sobre la base de datos que desea administrar."); define(_HELPPAGE_, "Página de ayuda"); define(_HELPINTRO_, "\"El Panel de Control MySQL de Matt\" se ha diseńado de forma que los usuarios pudieran acceder a sus bases de datos MySQL para construir tablas, etc., sin necesidad de una cuenta de telnet. Este panel permite hacer un buen número de cosas, incluyendo:"); define(_HELPCREATEDELETETABLE_, "Creación/eliminación de tablas"); define(_HELPDELETEDB_, "Eliminación de bases de datos"); define(_INTRO_, "Introducción"); define(_HELPADDDELETEFIELDS_, "Adición/eliminación de campos"); define(_HELPALTERFIELDS_, "Modificación de nombres/tipos de campos existentes"); define(_HELPINSERTRECORDS_, "Adición de registros a las tablas"); define(_HELPDELETERECORDS_, "Eliminación de registros de las tablas"); define(_HELPMODIFYRECORDS_, "Modificación de registros existentes en las tablas"); define(_HELPEXECUTESQL_, "Ejecución de instrucciones SQL"); define(_ETC_, "etc"); define(_HELPTOC_, "Índice de contenidos"); define(_HELPLOGIN_, "Conectándose al sistema"); define(_HELPCREATETABLE_, "Creando una tabla"); define(_HELPADDFIELD_, "Ańadiendo un campo a la tabla"); define(_HELPEDITFIELD_, "Modificando el tipo de un campo"); define(_HELPINSERTRECORD_, "Agregando un registro a la tabla"); define(_HELPQUERYTABLE_, "Haciendo consultas a la base de datos"); define(_HELPDELETEMODIFYRECORD_, "Borrando/modificando un registro de la tabla"); define(_HELPDELETEFIELD_, "Eliminando un campo de la tabla"); define(_HELPDELETETABLE_, "Eliminando una tabla de la base de datos"); define(_HELPDELETEDB_, "Eliminando una base de datos"); define(_HELPEXECUTINGSQL_, "Ejecutando una instrucción SQL"); define(_HELPEXPORTING_, "Exportando una tabla o una base de datos"); define(_HELPIMPORTING_, "Importando su propia base de datos"); define(_HELPLOGININFO_, "Bien, esta es la primera y más importante parte de las que debe hacer correctamente; si no, ˇno irá a ninguna parte! Su nombre de usuario es el nombre que usa para conectarse a la base de datos MySQL y su contraseńa es la que se le dio para acceder a la base de datos MySQL. Lo siguiente es el nombre de la base de datos a la quiere acceder; si lo deja en blanco, se le mostrará una lista de todas las bases de datos para que elija una. Lo último es el nombre del servidor MySQL; esto es muy importante, ya que algunos servidores no permiten conexiones a otros equipos, y por tanto este script tendrá que alojarse en el servidor mismo para funcionar adecuadamente."); define(_HELPCREATETABLEINFO_, "La creación de una tabla es fácil con este script. Una vez conectado pulse sobre el botón \"Crear tabla\" (\"Create table\") en la parte izquierda de la pantalla; esto debería abrir una nueva ventana con una casilla y el botón \"Crear\" (\"Create\"). Es tan simple como eso; basta con refrescar la página principal y la nueva tabla habrá sido creada, suponiendo claro que el nombre de la tabla era válido. La tabla contendrá un solo campo llamado \"Borreme\" (\"Delete_me\"). El motivo es que cualquier tabla debe tener por lo menos un campo. Una vez que haya creado la tabla, puede simplemente borrar este campo (para obtener información sobre cómo hacerlo, pulse aquí)."); define(_HELPADDFIELDINFO_, "Cuando quiera ańadir un campo a la base de datos, deberá escoger la tabla requerida conectándose y pulsando sobre el nombre de la tabla en la lista; esto mostrará una lista con todos los campos existentes en la tabla. Para ańadir un nuevo campo a la lista, pulse el botón \"Ańadir campo\" (\"Add field\") en el margen de la pantalla. Esto hará que aparezca una ventana nueva pidiéndole el nombre y tipo del nuevo campo. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que el tipo es muy importante y si no está al corriente de los distintos tipos de campo en MySQL, le recomendaríamos informarse en el manual de MySQL o en esta página de Your-Name-Here que contiene información sobre los tipos y tamańos de los tipos."); define(_HELPEDITFIELDINFO_, "La modificación del tipo de un campo es otro proceso que requiere conocimientos sobre los tipos de los campos y sobre MySQL (véase \"3. Ańadiendo campos a la tabla\" para encontrar sitios donde informarse) y debe hacerse desde el área de información de la tabla, que se muestra pulsando sobre la tabla que contiene el campo que queremos modificar. Al lado de cada campo hay un par de botones: uno de ellos se llama \"Editar tipo\" (\"Edit type\"). Si se pulsa, aparecerá una nueva ventana con una casilla en la que puede escribir el nuevo tipo del campo. Una vez que lo ha hecho, pulse el botón \"Aceptar\" (\"Go\") para actualizar la base de datos."); define(_HELPINSERTRECORDINFO_, "Para ańadir un registro a una de sus tablas, primero debe seleccionarla en la página principal. Esto le llevará a otra página que contendrá una lista con todos los campos de la tabla y algunos datos sobre cada uno de sus tipos. Si pulsa sobre el botón \"Ańadir registro\" (\"Add record\") se le mostrará otra página que contendrá una casilla para cada campo en la que deberá escribir la información del registro que quiere incluir en la tabla. Una vez que haya terminado, pulse \"Ańadir registro\" (\"Add record\") en la parte inferior de la página para agregar el registro a la base de datos."); define(_HELPQUERYTABLEINFO_, "Este proceso es bastante sencillo: una vez que haya seleccionado la tabla que contiene la información sobre la que quiere realizar la consulta, pulse el botón \"Consultar\" (\"Query table\") en la parte izquierda de la página. Esto provocará que aparezcan unas cuantas casillas - una por cada campo de la tabla. En ellas es donde escribirá los datos por los que quiere buscar. El script entonces buscará en la base de datos y la tabla en uso los registros que concuerden con los datos que ha escrito y devolverá los resultados en forma tabular."); define(_HELPDELETEMODIFYRECORDINFO_, "Esta función es fácil de usar, pero puede ser peligrosa dependiendo de si tiene más de un registro idéntico. El problema es que si dos registros son idénticos, entonces la eliminación de uno de ellos implica automáticamente la eliminación del otro - aquí es donde los campos \"id\" y los campos únicos (también conocidos como Claves Primarias) entran en juego. Estos campos pueden usarse para distinguir cada uno de los registros. Para borrar un registro, primero pulse sobre la tabla que contiene el registro en la página principal y pulse el botón \"Borrar registro\" (\"Delete record\") en el margen de la página; rellene entonces toda la información posible en la página (no se tendrán en cuenta mayúsculas o minúsculas, y se buscará de forma que el criterio de búsqueda coincida con parte del registro. Nota del traductor: las tildes también son ignoradas.) y pulse \"Buscar\" (\"Search\"); los resultados de la búsqueda se mostrarán en la pantalla. Simplemente pulse el botón \"Bórreme\" (\"Delete me\") para eliminar el registro de la tabla. La modificación de un campo se hace de la misma manera; la única diferencia es que cuando pulse el botón \"Modificar\" (\"Modify\") después de una búsqueda deberá rellenar los nuevos datos que quiera incluir en la tabla."); define(_HELPDELETEFIELDINFO_, "Borrar un campo de una de sus tablas es todavía más sencillo que ańadirlo: simplemente escoja la tabla que contiene el campo que desea eliminar en la página principal y pulse el botón \"Borrar\" (\"Delete\") que se encuentra al lado del campo. El script le pedirá su confirmación tres veces y eliminará el campo, así como toda la información que albergara."); define(_HELPDELETETABLEINFO_, "Borrar una tabla de la base de datos es tan sencillo como eliminar un campo de una de las tablas: pulse el botón \"Borrar\" (\"Delete\") que hay al lado de la tabla que desea eliminar y confirme a continuación el proceso, pero recuerde que si borra una tabla de sus bases de datos, será completamente eliminada y no podrá recuperar ninguna información de ella."); define(_HELPDELETEDBINFO_, "Para borrar una base de datos, pulse sobre el botón \"Borrar base de datos\" (\"Delete database\") en la página principal; de nuevo tendrá que confirmar tres veces su elección y entonces se eliminará la base de datos. Esto provocará, por supuesto, la eliminación de todo. Es muy importante que no haga esto accidentalmente, ya que toda la información contenida en la base de datos será eliminada y no podrá recuperarla."); define(_HELPEXECUTINGSQLINFO_, "Para ejecutar una instrucción MySQL, deberá saber, por supuesto, qué instrucción es, qué hace y qué cambios producirá en su base de datos. Si sabe usar MySQL, entonces puede simplemente escribir la instrucción en la casilla de la página principal o en la página de detalles de la tabla y ejecutarla. Sin embargo, no se mostrará ningún mensaje de salida, la ejecución será \"silenciosa\"."); define(_HELPEXPORTINGINFO_, "Esta función es increíblemente útil si necesita hacer una copia de la base de datos que se encuentra en el servidor. Permite hacer un volcado de la base de datos o tabla de su elección a través del servidor web y guardarlo en un fichero idéntico al que hubiera creado la función \"mysqldump\" - fácil."); define(_HELPIMPORTINGINFO_, "Importar su propia base de datos creada por la función \"mysqldump\" es muy fácil de hacer. Pulse \"Importar información\" (\"Import data\") en la página principal y se mostrará una nueva ventana en la que podrá elegir un fichero de su ordenador. Este es el fichero que desea subir al servidor. Pulse \"ˇImportar!\" (\"Import!\") para recuperar la información en la base de datos, refresque el contenido de la página principal y los datos se habrán incluido en la base de datos, siempre y cuando no haya habido errores, claro."); define(_IMPORTDATA_, "Importar datos"); define(_IMPORTDATAINSTRUCT_, "Para importar información en esta base de datos, deberá pulsar sobre el botón \"Examinar...\" (\"Browse...\") y seleccionar un fichero previamente volcado. Estos ficheros son simplemente una lista más o menos larga de instrucciones SQL que reconstruyen la base de datos volcada."); define(_IMPORTFILE_, "Importar fichero"); define(_IMPORTDBDATA_, "Importar base de datos"); define(_WELCOMETITLE_, "Bienvenido"); define(_EXPORTDB_, "Exportar base de datos"); define(_DELETEDB_, "Eliminar base de datos"); define(_DELETETABLE_, "Eliminar tabla"); define(_OPTIMIZETABLE_, "Mejorar tabla"); define(_DELETEFIELD_, "Eliminar campo"); define(_DELETEDBCONFIRM_, "żEstá seguro de querer eliminar esta base de datos?"); define(_DELETEFIELDCONFIRM_, "żEstá seguro de querer eliminar este campo?"); define(_DELETETABLECONFIRM_, "żEstá seguro de querer eliminar esta tabla?"); define(_LOGOUTCONFIRM_, "żSeguro que quiere desconectarse?"); define(_LOGOUT_, "Desconectar"); define(_TABLENAME_, "Nombre de tabla"); define(_COMMANDS_, "Opciones"); define(_KEYMANAGEMENT_, "Gestión de claves"); define(_DELETEKEYCONFIRM_, "żEstá seguro de querer eliminar esta clave?"); define(_DELETEKEY_, "Borrar clave"); define(_MODIFYARECORD_, "Modificar un registro"); define(_LOGINERROR_, "No es posible conectarse"); define(_LOGINERRORINFO_, "Lo sentimos, pero no se ha podido conectar usted al servidor MySQL; esto puede ocurrir por varios motivos. Quizá su nombre de usuario y/o contraseńa son incorrectos, o la base de datos que ha indicado no existe en el servidor. También podría ser que el servidor no admite conexiones de otros equipos y tiene, por tanto, que conectarse al servidor desde el servidor mismo. Si este problema persiste, debería ponerse en contacto con el administrador del servidor."); define(_SEARCHRESULTS_, "Resultados de la búsqueda"); define(_FOUNDRECORDS_, "Se han encontrado los siguientes registros"); define(_NOPRIMARYKEY_, "No se ha definido ninguna clave primaria o única, de forma que los efectos de la modificación o eliminación de un registros son impredecibles"); define(_DELETERECORDCONFIRM_, "żConfirma la eliminación de este registro?"); define(_DELETERECORD_, "Eliminar registro"); define(_MODIFYRECORD_, "Modificar registro"); define(_SEARCHEMPTY_, "No se han podido encontrar registros que satisfagan su criterio de búsqueda"); define(_RENAMEFIELD_, "Renombrar campo"); define(_FIELDNEWNAME_, "Nuevo nombre del campo"); define(_FIELDNEWNAMEINFO_, "Por favor, escriba el nuevo nombre del campo y pulse el botón \"Aceptar\" (\"OK\")"); define(_RENAMETABLE_, "Renombrar tabla"); define(_TABLENEWNAME_, "Nuevo nombre de la tabla"); define(_TABLENEWNAMEINFO_, "Por favor, escriba el nuevo nombre de la tabla y pulse el botón \"Aceptar\" (\"OK\")"); define(_SQLRESULTS_, "Resultados SQL"); define(_SQLEXECUTED_, "La instrucción SQL se ha ejecutado satisfactoriamente"); define(_SQLOUTPUT_, "Este es el resultado de la instrucción SQL"); define(_SQLERROR_, "No es posible ejecutar la instrucción SQL"); define(_SQLRESULTCODE_, "La consulta se ha llevado a cabo. MySQL ha devuelto lo siguiente"); define(_SQLRESULTROWS_, "Número de filas que se devuelven"); define(_SQLRESULTROWSAFFECTED_, "Número de filas afectadas"); define(_SQLRESULTFIELDS_, "Número de campos que se devuelven"); define(_TABLEDETAILS_, "Detalles de la tabla"); define(_ADDNEWFIELD_, "Ańadir un nuevo campo"); define(_SEARCHDELETEMODIFYRECORDS_, "Buscar/borrar/modificar registros"); define(_CURDATABASE_, "Base de datos en uso"); define(_CURTABLE_, "Tabla seleccionada"); define(_CHANGEFIELDTYPE_, "Cambiando el tipo del campo"); define(_SUCCESSMOD_, "Se ha modificado satisfactoriamente el asiento"); define(_ERRORMOD_, "Se ha producido un error al intentar modificar el asiento"); define(_ERRORMODRECORD_, "Se ha producido un error en la búsqueda del registro para modificar"); define(_ERROROPTIMIZE_, "Se ha producido un error al intentar mejorar la tabla"); define(_SUCCESSOPTIMIZE_, "La tabla ha sido mejorada satisfactoriamente"); define(_ERRORTABLEDESC_, "No es posible obtener una descripción de la tabla"); define(_SEARCHRECORDS_, "Buscar registros"); define(_OPERATION_, "Operación"); define(_TYPE_, "Tipo"); define(_ERRORENAMEFIELD_, "No es posible renombrar el campo"); define(_SUCCESSRENAMEFIELD_, "El campo ha sido renombrado satisfactoriamente"); define(_ERRORRENAMETABLE_, "No es posible renombrar la tabla"); define(_SUCCESSRENAMETABLE_, "La tabla ha sido renombrada satisfactoriamente"); define(_RESET_, "Reiniciar"); define(_IMPORTSUCCESS_, "Datos importados satisfactoriamente, nş de instrucciones SQL procesadas"); define(_UPDATE_, "Actualizar"); define(_BROWSE_, "Examinar"); define(_EXPORTFMT_, "Exportar formato"); define(_CHANGEDB_, "Cambiar base de datos"); define(_CHANGETABLE_, "Cambiar tabla"); define(_SHOWPAGE_, "Mostrar nş de página"); define(_RESULTSPERPAGE_, "Nş de filas por página"); define(_NEXTPAGE_, "Página siguiente"); define(_PREVIOUSPAGE_, "Página anterior"); define(_NOTE_, "Nota"); define(_ADDFIELDAFTER_, "Ańadir el campo a continuación de"); define(_TABLEEND_, "Fin de tabla"); define(_DBMANAGER_, "Administrador de la base de datos"); define(_ALLOWEDDBS_, "Su usuario tiene acceso a las siguientes bases de datos y sus tablas respectivas"); define(_DISALLOWEDDBS_, "Estas son las bases de datos a las que no tiene acceso"); define(_WELCOMEDB_, "Bienvenido a la página de administración de bases de datos. Puede seleccionar una base de datos para administrar o administrar las bases de datos ya disponibles (si tiene permiso)."); define(_CREATEDB_, "Crear una base de datos"); define(_CREATEDBERROR_, "No se ha podido crear la base de datos"); define(_CREATEDBGOOD_, "La base de datos se ha creado satisfactoriamente"); define(_DELETEDBERROR_, "No se ha podido borrar la base de datos"); define(_DELETEDBGOOD_, "La base de datos se ha eliminado satisfactoriamente"); define(_GRANTDBERROR_, "No se han podido otorgar permisos al usuario"); define(_GRANTDBGOOD_, "Los permisos han sido otorgados al usuario satisfactoriamente"); ?> mpanel/lang.php0100644000175000017500000000165707546600232012476 0ustar mattmatt mpanel/login.php0100644000175000017500000000251007567526002012657 0ustar mattmatt mpanel/logo.gif0100644000175000017500000002403407521503021012454 0ustar mattmattGIF89ańO礪 uzśŹś˘ ˝˝˛ö÷őôőí¸Ç·ĘÎo´·{Č×ÇŐÜÄË DGSL¶ą†©¬tž˘tÚĺŘSWQmMäĺËkmR†‹ Mîî䔚 „4Ť“ 2o*ĂĹłűű÷ÍŐŁĄh—šVľĂ`„ŠÇÎŤ’vwRMP3ĹĆ—Ý䝣.<@ `Y@u9ş»“¤Ş|‚ÉĎNÍÎĆśŁx|mtyĘĐ-ćé´îóě®±|68ž˘M„‰&bdNŚ‘6żĂ•¶·¬ëëŢä죨G 4š·–¤©5.O*|‚)©¶¨…UŞÄ§ť'[_"#ćíĺĎÓ¶Ł§X”šIlrĚΫŘÝ×diw{#´şĺćŐPXA¤©&{¤uŚDćçăŇÔ´•š|ś¤—µąk“šâäŢĄ¦•Ţß̬´Ö׺‡«‚ßăĚ÷űöŽ’HľÄ2˛ĘŻĄşťi™cÄČ„•š<¶şGµąU–š0htX´ą6gk–r×Ú©KO­®¤ľĹŐÖĆUXšť`ěď붼$68!ÍÍ´‘– † ­±U’–KŚ‘&lr×Ú™ËÓ y|Ey•uw‰t’–<Ž ¬±Cŕă®ad#%g„•_†‡lĽŇ¸i…ehm¬±6¬±$ĹĆ sŰÜĽĂÄ«ăëŢae ­°fŐŮž tw<ËÍŁ“łŽšžJrťlÓÖΤ¦‘–ĺ陞0ěíŐv„n™źegóóŕÇ˵×Ű´đóŐ;nr$ŘŢPÎŃšÎϸÚßrçëŇLOÁÎŔÇËŞ8~0oo<%) ŇăŃdiîđÇűűű˙˙˙¶ľ ®¶ ˛ş Ş˛ ľÇ ˙˙űşĂ ßßÇŰßÇ ¦ ĂÇ ¶ş ¨® şľ ľĂ ®˛ ˛¶ ű˙űŰŰĂŰŰČČĎ aeßáÁŰßŔźŔ›żĆĽ˙˙˙!ů˙,ńOţ˙ H° Á*\Č°ˇĂ‡#Jśg˘Ĺ‹3jDm˘‚~˙ZüÜšŤÁ)ř·’`KŕŔĹŘĺ¤@ q:‡r!*=˘d÷b ŁNťô ít…ц×´Xsi[AÁZdÂQÁ¦‚6ńtŘĹĹ?%áéB° ¤gÜä`ÚA& AjDŁč„Đżxé‡a[[8ϡ™(°%hDN¦"\â‚ąĆAA&­‚=l…á ^«ät°*ĐŮ+át°k°"`‚řRYř &ĐŰůI‚p_ e6ö lŃ…1A’ęâ C‡P O놧๢ţöËD€ő?Ëß2›Éä/á¦Ůő˙ÇËî‹h¸éB0ÄK=UŔÍ€12Šô1@48‡GĐ€ dĚ2KFr\‚, Ä„™`0FfµôË/ýâ Ń ‰ mrI0°ýŁb~ ´ 5ş$lEÜu[şÄF÷MŠ"l7)‚…ltĎSüб‚,üSĹR(łÂ'i¤aΚźÔ1ÂsA†)s¨‘VEđHP Śô#‡›ą”ˇsc­âŔ%E°čP ž ÔĎ4Ó8úO?H|A«Lö‡™Ô §„K -QP?k€$Aţ]”*ć ‚("÷ŘdD/ŔÄ`C”S.±2?1 čđŹ*ÉtÂB‚ô0‰ńśłÎ¶ódqN<0Ŕ0 0&ě"‰"ľ=ÔB«`ŔÉM]LÉ(1Ů?¸l5Ć.´đËWu‘Éą€A }73®¸’ MfôX$?—–HÔŕĘ–J Áp˘„.Ŕ%P ˇ’3ô!`aC Đ1…¶X„ĚŔ"BB /ÄŠĄ‘R\pČî ŇÄ?s,"-;? 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", $tables[$tmp], "", _DELETETABLE_, "", _OPTIMIZETABLE_, "", _RENAMETABLE_, "
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: ''

"; for($lb=0; $lb<$numfields; ++$lb) { echo ""; } echo "", "", "", "
"; if($vars["inuse_".$tmp] == 1) { /* start the ball rowling */ $vars["q"].= ' AND '.$fields[$tmp]["name"].' '; /* if the input type (REGEXP, NULL, PLAIN etc) is not Plain and *not* NULL do this bit */ if($vars["intype_$tmp"] == "FUNC") { if($vars["recop_$tmp"] != "=") { $vars["q"].= " NOT "; } /* if it is a function then it wants to be by itself */ if($vars["intype_$tmp"] == "FUNC") { $vars["q"].= $vars["recop_$tmp"].$vars["rec_$tmp"]; } else { /* if it is not a function then it is one of the built in functions, ie REGEXP, LIKE etc and wants to be in the form TYPE(REC) ie REGEXP('^m') */ $vars["q"].= $vars["intype_$tmp"]."(".sql($vars["rec_$tmp"]).")"; } } else if($vars["intype_$tmp"] == "NULL") { $vars["q"].= " IS "; if($vars["recop_$tmp"] != "=") { $vars["q"].= "NOT "; } $vars["q"].= "NULL"; } else { /* this should mean that the input type is either NULL or PLAIN, ie foo='bar' */ echo "\n"; if($vars["recop_$tmp"] == "REGEXP" || $vars["recop_$tmp"] == "LIKE") { $vars["q"].= $vars["recop_$tmp"]." (".sql($vars["rec_$tmp"]).")"; } else { $vars["q"].= $vars["recop_$tmp"].sql($vars["rec_$tmp"]); } } } } } /* query the table using the query we just constructed */ if(!isset($vars["rpp"])) { $vars["rpp"] = 25; } if(!isset($vars["pn"])) { $vars["pn"] = 0; } else { $vars["pn"]--; } $found2 = @mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".sql($vars["table"], 0)." WHERE ".$vars["q"]." LIMIT ".($vars["pn"]*$vars["rpp"]).", ".($vars["rpp"]+1)); $numtuples = @mysql_num_rows($found2); /* are there any results? if so, store em all in $rows */ $numfound = 0; $numfields = sizeof($fields); $rows = array(); while($found = @mysql_fetch_row($found2)) { $rows[] = $found; } /* decide which field to use for unique modification/deletion */ $altquery = array(); for($tmp=0; $tmp<$numfields; ++$tmp) { if(@eregi("PRI", $fields[$tmp]["key"]) || @eregi("UNI", $fields[$tmp]["key"])){ $altquery[] = $tmp; } } /* show a warning if a PRIMARY or UNIQUE key doesn't exist */ if(!sizeof($altquery)) { echo "
", _NOTE_, " : ", _NOPRIMARYKEY_, "
"; for($l=0; $l $vars["rpp"] ? $vars["rpp"] : $numtuples); if($vars["do_matrix"] == 1) { echo "", ""; for($tmp=0; $tmp<$numfields; ++$tmp) { echo ""; } echo ""; for($l=0; $l<$numtoshow; ++$l) { $alt = ""; /* attempt to create a long query for non-PRIMARY/UNIQUE */ $alts = array(); for($t=0; $t", ""; for($lb=0; $lb<$numfields; ++$lb) { echo ""; } echo ""; } echo "
 ", $fields[$tmp]["name"], "
", substr(_MODIFYRECORD_, 0, 1), " / ", substr(_DELETERECORD_, 0, 1), ""; if(!strlen($rows[$l][$lb])) { echo " "; } else { echo str_replace("<", "<", str_replace(">", ">", str_replace("&", "&", $rows[$l][$lb]))); } echo "
"; } else { for($l=0; $l<$numtoshow; ++$l) { $alt = ""; /* attempt to create a long query for non-PRIMARY/UNIQUE */ $alts = array(); for($t=0; $t", "
", _FIELDNAME_, "", _VALUE_, "
", $fields[$lb]["name"], " (", $fields[$lb]["type"], ")"; if(!strlen($rows[$l][$lb])) { echo " "; } else { echo str_replace("<", "<", str_replace(">", ">", str_replace("&", "&", $rows[$l][$lb]))); } echo "
", "", "", "", "", "", "
", "
", "
"; } } ?>
"> "> > > >

0) { echo "", _PREVIOUSPAGE_, ""; } else { echo _PREVIOUSPAGE_; } ?>", _NEXTPAGE_, ""; } else { echo _NEXTPAGE_; } ?>

"; } ?>
: > >
mpanel/querytable.php0100644000175000017500000001610607561702700013725 0ustar mattmatt MPanel: <?php echo _SEARCHRECORDS_; ?>

: ''

: ''

> > > "; // is this an enum() type? if so then we should use a drop down menu for it if(eregi("^enum", $fields[$tmp]["type"])) { $type = ""; // check to see whether or not there is a "default" set if(($d = strpos($fields[$tmp]["type"], "default")) != FALSE) { $d += 8; $de = strpos($fields[$tmp]["type"], "'", $d+1)+1; $str = substr($fields[$tmp]["type"], $d, $de-$d); $type = str_replace("value=".$str, "value=".$str." SELECTED", $type); } // remove the enum(...) from the type, well, swap it for enum(...) $fields[$tmp]["type"] = str_replace("enum(".substr($fields[$tmp]["type"], $s, $e-$s).")", "enum(...)", $fields[$tmp]["type"]); } echo ""; } /* close the db connection */ @mysql_close(); ?>
", $fields[$tmp]["name"], " (", $fields[$tmp]["type"], ")", $type, "
Display "client" style results:
Maximum field length:
Execute SQL command: > >
mpanel/README0100644000175000017500000001015507522012126011706 0ustar mattmattMatt's MySQL Panel ------------------ Table of Contents ----------------- 1. Introduction & History 2. Installation 3. Configuration 4. Usage & Help 5. Credits 6. Acknowledgements 7. License Introduction & History ---------------------- Welcome to Matt's MySQL Panel, a user orientated web base MySQL database administration script written by Matt Wilson and lives at (probably where you got this archive from). MPanel was started in October 2000 by Matt Wilson to and has been an up and down project most of the way as with most Open Source Projects. Hopefully one day it'll gain the all important "version 1.0". Almost all (if not all) of the programming for this project was done by Matt Wilson althought several other people have contributed in one way or another (see 6. Acknowledgements). 2. Installation --------------- For a quick installation simply upload MPanel onto a PHP enabled web server and access the index page (ie to be presented with a user login page. This will then take you through to the choose database page or alternatively the main database page (depending on user database access). Some configuration options can also be specified... 3. Configuration ---------------- Configuration of the script is all done in the file "config.php". There are a few configuration options, they are; $use_language This specified the language file to use, it defaults to "english" although the other language files are available in the "lang/" directory. Simply replace the value with the name of a file without the ".php" extension (e.g. english.php is used by entering "english" for this value, castellano.php is used by entering "castellano"). $use_login Specifies whether or not to present the user with the login screen. This is the default method of operation. If set to "false" and the $db_* values below are also set then the user will automatically be forwarded to the "choose database" page of the script. This option is most useful when used in conjuntion with a .htaccess and .htpasswd file to secure the MPanel directory over a secure internet connection such as SSL as the user's machine has no need to store, send or receive the unencrypted cookies that MPanel uses for "remembering" the authentication details of users. $db_username $db_password $db_hostname When $use_login is set to "false", the script automatically logs into the database server and presents the user with the usual page(s), beginning with the choose database page. These values are the username, password and hostname (respectively) with which to connect to the database server. 4. Usage & Help --------------- For help using the script I direct you to the appropriate "Help page" within the scripts pages. 5. Credits ---------- MPanel was written entirely by Matt Wilson , all questions, suggestions or letters of praise should be directed to him. 6. Acknowledgements ------------------- Thanks go to the following people for their contributions to the development of MPanel; Germán Alonso - MPanel logo (new version) - Spanish (Castellano) language translation + many other people who have reported bugs, suggested features of generally provided emails of thanks and support. 7. License ---------- MPanel is licensed under the GPL license; Matt's MySQL Panel - administer MySQL databases remotely Copyright (C) 2001 Matt Wilson '".$vars["newfield"]."'")); ?> mpanel/renamefield.php0100644000175000017500000000610707546600232014023 0ustar mattmatt MPanel: <?php echo _RENAMEFIELD_; ?>

> > >
mpanel/renametable_.php0100644000175000017500000000343107546600232014163 0ustar mattmatt '".$vars["newtable"]."'")); ?> mpanel/renametable.php0100644000175000017500000000545407546600232014033 0ustar mattmatt MPanel: <?php echo _RENAMETABLE_; ?>

> >
mpanel/revokeuser.php0100644000175000000350000000332007615444551014072 0ustar mattaudio mpanel/style.css0100644000175000017500000000270007524047065012711 0ustar mattmatt/* Matt's MySQL Panel - administer MySQL databases remotely Copyright (C) 2001 Matt Wilson MPanel: <?php echo _SQLRESULTS_; ?>

\n"; } ?>
", $key, ""; if(!strlen($val)) { echo " "; } else { echo str_replace("<", "<", str_replace(">", ">", str_replace("&", "&", $val))); } echo "


"; } /* output a little message */ echo _SQLRESULTCODE_, ":
", _SQLRESULTROWS_, ": ", $numrows, "
", _SQLRESULTFIELDS_, ": ", $numfields; /* make sure to free the query */ @mysql_free_result($q); ?>
mpanel/tabledetails.php0100644000175000017500000002075707600462426014216 0ustar mattmatt MPanel: <?php echo _TABLEDETAILS_; ?> "; } ?>

: ''

: ''

", $msg, "
1) { ?>
\n"; } /* close the database */ @mysql_close(); ?>
", $fields[$tmp]["name"], "", $fields[$tmp]["type"], "", _EDITFIELD_, "", _DELETEFIELD_, "", _RENAMEFIELD_, "
: > >
mpanel/TODO0100644000175000017500000000026607615477054011542 0ustar mattmatt* : needs to be done + : would like to do - : not very important, if I get bored ;) + obtain more language translation files (German in the works I believe, ditto for Portuguese)